During February 2017

Inside ZSR

James H. ALA Midwinter

ALA Mid-Winter 2017, a conference of discovery. Three days in which our hero finds his pack and by extension finds himself (in a bar that stocks 60 different whiskeys). When I say ‘find my pack’, I don’t mean figuring out who they are, but actually WHERE they are. I’m a member of ALA’s RUSA and... more

MBL’s at ALAMW in Atlanta

My conference experience revolved around two specific foci. I was recently elected as a member-at-large of SustainRT, the Sustainability Round Table of ALA.  My duties with this group include arranging programming for our sessions at ALA Annual, so I did a bit of networking to identify topics and speakers that might be of interest at... more

Rebecca at Moore Elementary School Career Day 2017

Last week, I had the opportunity to speak with three Fourth grade classes at Moore Elementary School for Career Day. Joining a group of professionals including a police man, an EMT, a chemist, a World Relief High Point employee, Mooney (of Mooney’s Mediterranean Cafe), and many other talented people, I represented librarians and archivists to the best... more

Steve at ALA Midwinter 2017

As Jeff noted in his post, I got sick at Midwinter, just like I did two years ago in Chicago. However, this time I waited until Sunday to be laid low by a brutal cold, and I did not ask Jeff to mercy kill me. So, not as bad, right? Luckily, I did manage to... more