During January 2025

Inside ZSR

Exploring a Culture of Mentoring at Wake Forest

To close out Mentoring Month, the Mentoring Committee wanted to highlight an excellent resource and source of mentoring inspiration that may have hit your (physical) inbox over the weekend – the Mentoring Issue of Wake Forest Magazine Starting off with a great introduction from President Wente, the issue emphasizes that amongst all the benefits mentoring... more

NEW! Mentoring Prompts for Promotion and Renewal Prep

The Faculty Mentoring Committee has been actively engaged over the past year, diving into all things SAPA. Through a series of thoughtfully curated events, we’ve fostered meaningful discussions among colleagues about SAPA’s integration with our new strategic aims, while also creating opportunities to celebrate SAPA successes and share practical tips through our SAPA Salon series.... more

What’s New in Public Services: December 2024

December Events Wake Up Wednesday On December 4th, Public Services hosted Campus Life’s Wake Up Wednesday tabling event, providing doughnut holes, coffee, and other snacks to brighten the morning for students and staff. Campus Life has held several of these events at ZSR and we look forward to partnering with them in the future! Wake... more

Designing Libraries for the 21st Century: NC State University Libraries

The Designing Libraries XI conference took place at the NC State University’s James B. Hunt Library, from October 27 to October 29. The scope of this conference centered around the achievements, challenges, and trends associated with the allocation, design, and distribution of library spaces. Each session was presented by professionals from multiple disciplines, including architects,... more

Happy Mentoring Month – Promotion Mentoring with a Twist!

January is National Mentoring Month, and the ZSR Librarians’ Assembly Mentoring Committee is encouraging ZSR Librarians to share their mentoring stories! Look for more mentoring-focused posts this month and more programming from the mentoring committee in the coming months! As the benefactor of two mentors in my three years at ZSR, I’m compelled to share... more