By Steve Kelley

Inside ZSR

The Future of Cataloging – Steve at ALA

It’s not often that you go to a conference and have a major realization about the need to re-organize how you do your work and how your library functions, but I did at this year’s ALA. Through the course of several sessions on RDA, the new cataloging code that is slated to replace AACR2, I... more

Steve at 2010 NASIG Conference

At the beginning of June, I flew out to Palm Springs, California for the 25th Annual North American Serials Interest Group Conference. As a member-at-large of the NASIG Executive Board, I had to head out on Tuesday, June 1, so I could attend an all-day strategic planning session on the following day. Then on Thursday,... more

Steve at the 2010 North Carolina Serials Conference

On April 15, Derrik, Chris and I (along with Janet Malliett of Winston-Salem State, and formerly of PCL) drove to Chapel Hill to attend the 19th North Carolina Serials Conference at the Friday Center. The keynote address was delivered by Tim Rogers, Executive Director of NC LIVE. His address was called “Running in Packs: What... more

Steve at 2010 LAUNC-CH Conference

Ellen has already written an admirably thorough posting on the LAUNC-CH Conference we attended on Monday, but now that my week has finally settled down to merely busy instead of insanely packed as it draws to a close, I can add a few comments. I’ll begin by talking about the most interesting session I attended,... more

Steve at ALA Midwinter

Last Wednesday I flew up to Boston for ALA Midwinter and a meeting of the NASIG Executive Board, which I attended as Member-at-Large. Although NASIG is an independent organization, we piggyback our board meeting on the front-end of the conference. So Thursday, I attended our all-day meeting to discuss the on-going business of NASIG in... more

Webinar on Provider Neutral eBook Records

This afternoon, Carolyn, Patty, Lauren C. and I viewed an OCLC webinar on provider neutral eBook records. Many of you are probably asking, what are provider neutral eBook records? Well, currently, catalog records for eBooks specify which provider or publisher has created a given “copy” of an eBook. If the same book is published in... more

NISO Webinar: Bibliographic Control Alphabet Soup

Earlier this afternoon, Lauren C., Leslie, Patty, Chris, Jean-Paul and I attended (watched? listened to? whatever) a NISO Webinar called Bibliographic Control Alphabet Soup: AACR to RDA and the Evolution of MARC. The program consisted of three presentations related to RDA and the future of the MARC format. The first speaker was Barbara Tillett, the... more

Steve at NASIG 2009

I know this is a bit late, but I’ve finally been able to dig myself out from under.The 24th Conference of the North American Serials Interest Group (NASIG) was held during the first week of June, and I served as co-chair of the Conference Planning Committee, with the spectacular support of Chris Burris as our... more

Steve at ALA Midwinter

Sorry this is so late, but at least the info included is not time-sensitive.Like several other folks here, I went to the ALA Midwinter Conference in Denver in late-January.I stayed at the apartment of our former colleague Jim Galbraith, who is now living in Denver and working for NetLibrary as a Product Manager.Jim sends his... more

Steve at 2008 NASIG Conference

From June 5 to 8, Chris and I attended the 2008 NASIG Conference in Phoenix, Arizona at the Tapatio Cliffs Resort, which sounds nice until you account for the fact that Arizona is a sun-blasted hellscape unfit for human habitation. Nevertheless, I attended a number of useful sessions at the conference. Highlights included: Real ERM... more