By Steve Kelley

Inside ZSR

NCLA RTSS Spring Workshop

Since Leslie has already done such a good job of summarizing the keynote address of the RTSS Spring Workshop, I will discuss the next most useful session I attended, “Next Generation Cataloging Standards: RDA + FRBR,” presented by Erin Stalberg, Head of Metadata and Cataloging at North Carolina State University. RDA, or Resource Description and... more

Steve at 2008 North Carolina Serials Conference

Sorry for the delay in posting this, but two weeks ago on April 10 and 11, I attended the North Carolina Serials Conference in Chapel Hill. The focus of the conference was primarily on personnel and employment issues. The Opening Keynote was delivered by Pamela Bluh of the University of Maryland, President of ALCTS (Association... more

Steve at 2007 NASIG Conference

I am a regular attendee of the NASIG (North American Serials Interest Group) Conference, but this year’s experience was quite different because I was on the Conference Planning Committee. The conference (including pre-conferences) was held from May 30 through June 3 in Louisville, Kentucky, and I was the Chair of the AV Committee, which meant... more

Steve at NC Serials Conference

On March 29th and 30th, I attended the 16th North Carolina Serials Conference for the first time in three years. A few years ago, the registration fees jumped considerably from one year to the next, and the content did not seem strong enough to justify continuing to go. Thanks to a bit of prodding, I... more

Steve at 2007 LAUNC-CH Conference

On Monday, March 12th, I joined Mary Scanlon, Ellen Daugman and Sharon Snow and headed to Chapel Hill for the 2007 Librarians’ Association of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Conference, which had the theme “From MySpace to OurSpace: Connecting With Millennials.” Here are the sessions I found most interesting: Are We Ready... more