By Summer Krstevska

Inside ZSR

NEW! Mentoring Prompts for Promotion and Renewal Prep

The Faculty Mentoring Committee has been actively engaged over the past year, diving into all things SAPA. Through a series of thoughtfully curated events, we’ve fostered meaningful discussions among colleagues about SAPA’s integration with our new strategic aims, while also creating opportunities to celebrate SAPA successes and share practical tips through our SAPA Salon series.... more

Summer @ IRDL

On Memorial Day 2024, I began the virtual 10-day Institute for Research Design in Librarianship (IRDL). Participating in this institute was a transformative experience that significantly enhanced my understanding of the research design process and various research methods. This intensive program was structured to guide participants through every stage of designing a robust library science... more

A Tale of Informal Peer Mentoring

When talking with Craig and Hu about unexpected mentoring (see our collaborative post here or Craig’s post about his unexpected reverse mentoring experience with his student assistants here), we discussed other ways we’ve been mentored and the topic of peer mentorship was brought up. I couldn’t help but think of Morgan and I’s relationship and... more

Summer @ LILLY Conference

Recently I attended my first LILLY Conference. This conference, hosted by the International Teaching Learning Cooperative, is focused on evidence-based teaching and is one of multiple that they host in various locations around the USA every year. This particular iteration of the conference took place in Asheville, NC from Aug 7th-9th, 2023. At the LILLY... more

Summer at Charleston 2021!

This was my first year ever attending the Charleston Conference, as well as my first time in Charleston! I have to say that though the hybrid experience was strange, I appreciate the efforts of the Charleston Conference planning committee to provide both in-person and online options. It was reassuring when grabbing my conference badge that... more

Summer @ USASBE

After a great (but cold) holiday trip to New Hampshire, I was lucky enough to get to spend 4 days in New Orleans for the USASBE (United States Association of Small Business & Entrepreneurship) Conference before heading back to Winston-Salem for the start of 2020. Nancy Lovas (Chapel Hill’s Entrepreneurship Librarian) and myself presented, “The... more

Summer @ NCLA

It’s been awhile since NCLA, but I wanted to make sure you all got to read one more NCLA recap post! NCLA 2019 was my first NCLA and it was memorable! I was lucky to present twice and do a poster during this conference, so most of my time was spent preparing myself!  On Thursday,... more

Summer @ ACRL

Wow! ACRL was made-up of many firsts for me. It was my first time at ACRL, or any big conference for that matter, my first road trip longer than 4 hours (thank you to Meghan, Kathy & Molly for getting me to Cleveland safely) and my first time facilitating two roundtable discussions. Getting to be... more

Summer at SOUCABL (Southern Academic Buisness Librarians Conference)

Spring had come to Athens when a few dozen intrepid business librarians convened for the first-ever Southern Academic Business Librarians Conference (SOUCABL, pronounced “sociable”) on the last weekend in March. SOUCABL was intended to be ‘an affordable opportunity for librarians to discuss business librarianship and to network with other librarians in the region,’ in my... more