By Lauren Pressley

Inside ZSR

Lauren @ LITA’s Interest Groups Chairs

This is where we really got down to the nitty-gritty of LITA Interest Groups. IGs are to LITA what committees are to ACRL. The difference is that you can just show up to an interest group and participate. To join a committee on ACRL you need to go through an appointment process. This was much... more

Lauren @ LITA’s Joint Committee and Interest Groups Chairs Meeting

I am the incoming co-chair for the LITA Distance Learning Interest Group. I know, I know… you’re asking, “why would you be involved with Distance Learning when we don’t do it at WFU?” Really, the DLIG focuses on using technology to reach students on and off campus and how to use technology in education, so... more

Lauren: The trip to ALA isn’t always easy!

Written at 10:30pm last night. The following isn’t about any meetings, lectures, or vendor talks, it’s just a recount of my l-o-n-g trip to Washington. If you’re a fan of Twitter, I kept that updated most of the time… The day started with a 7:20am walk to the Amtrak pickup point in Winston-Salem. I thought... more

Library 2.0 at UNCG (Lauren’s report)

For those who have been following the evolution of Library 2.0, a lot of this will be familiar… so I am just going to include links to most of what was covered: Tim Bucknall highlighted the OCLC findings Patrons want self-sufficiency, satisfaction, and seamlessness Danny Nanez highlighted Michael Habib’s Academic Library 2.0 Discussed Blackboard, pathfinders,... more

SOLINET: Lauren’s Wrap Up

I really enjoyed SOLINET! For me, it was one of those conferences where the call for presentations proposal looked interesting, but I didn’t actually know what to expect from the conference. What I found was that SOLINET was very different from other conferences I’d been to. For one, it’s compact. There were four general sessions... more

SOLINET: Is MyLibrary Going Down the YouTube?

The final program of SOLINET was “Is MyLibrary Going Down the YouTube? Reflections on the Information Landscape” from Diane Kresh. It was an interesting presentation, if, for nothing else, it reiterated what I had been hearing in the other sessions. This was the most on-message conference I’ve ever been to. And, since I like that... more

SOLINET: The Changing Research Environment

I missed the second session in order to have more time to review for our presentation this afternoon. I don’t know that you ever feel totally ready to give a presentation to strangers, but I’m as ready as I can be. Here are the notes I took from the third session, “Libraries and the Changing... more

OCLC talk on social software and privacy

Social Networking, Libraries, and Privacy by George Needham, OCLC Caroline and I attended this one together. I’m attending primarily due to our privacy audit, so I’ll focus my notes on the privacy issue. There is about to be a new OCLC report on this topic next month! Libraries set up for time when information scarce... more

Tennant kicking off SAMM 2007

There are a few ZSR folks typing as Roy Tennant gives the keynote address, so I’m just going to hit a few point that I think are particularly interesting on “Envisioning Our Future: Critical Issues for Libraries.” The points in his talk aren’t really about the future, it’s now. Google makes decisions differently from libraries.... more

unc-tlt wrap up

The UNC TLT conference was a good one! There were a wide variety of programs, some more geared towards things that we’re doing than others. Some were really good at this point in time (like the Learning Commons presentation NCSU did) and others resonated with things that I’ve worked on in the past and inspired... more