This ALA marked by first time back in Chicago since my very FIRST ALA, back in 2009! Although I did not get to explore the city as much as I might have liked, I had a great time at the conference re-connecting with colleagues from around the country and, of course, learning a few things along... more ›
This was my first ALA Annual in 6 years, my first as a ZSR librarian, and my first with a subject specialty, so I tried to focus my sessions this year on building my knowledge and network around two of my main subject areas, History and Psychology, as well as larger issues related to teaching... more ›
On Friday, I attended the NCBIG Camp Unconference at UNCG. NCBIG (NC Bibliographic Instruction Group) is an interest group within NCLA that has been around for a number of years. This was the third NCBIG Camp, and it was organized by Jenny Dale (UNCG), Katy Webb (ECU), and our own Kyle Denlinger. I have missed... more ›