By Susan Smith

Inside ZSR

Saturday at LITA National Forum

The day’s general session was much more in line with my expectations. David King, Digital Branch and Services Manager at Topeka and Shawnee County Public Library in Kansas gave an engaging talk about “Change, Library 2.0, and Emerging Trends”. He identified what he considers the major transformations that have taken place in libraries since the... more

Friday: Keynote, Concurrent Sessions and Hollywood Librarian

The 2007 LITA National Forum began with a keynote speech on global warming. What does this have to do with libraries and emerging technologies? As conference planning chair Mary LaMarca explained to a packed room, LITA has a tradition of opening its annual forum with a keynote by a local speaker. Jeffrey Kiehl is a... more

Susan Goes to Denver

I’m in Denver to attend the 10th Annual LITA National Forum. It is “annual event for those whose work involves new and leading edge technologies in the library and information technology field.” I arrived early yesterday afternoon thanks to an early flight and a 2 hour time difference. This was a bonus as it gave... more

Susan Wraps Up

I’ve officially finished my participation at the ALA conference today, as I’m heading home in the morning. I attended one more session since my earlier post, the session on the Sakai Collaboration and Learning Environment. Sakai is an open source product for research collaboration and is designed to support teaching and learning. The presentation was... more

Sunday AM at ALA

Good news for someone who checked out of her hotel and decided to drive into town this morning: street parking is available at 7:30 am on a Sunday and is free all day. My commute went from over an hour to 15 minutes this morning. A much more relaxed way to get an early start.... more

Susan’s Saturday Afternoon

The majority of the afternoon was spent in my committee meeting. The Instructional Technologies Committee produced two “Tips and Trends” pieces since ALA Midwinter: one on YouTube and one on Whiteboards. We designed a new “template” for doing these pieces – coming up with the section designations was one of my assignments. Designating specific discussion... more

Susan’s Saturday Morning

I had a very early start this morning. I delivered Ron to my sister’s place in Springfield, got to hug my granddaughter (who is coincidentally up north to meet relatives this weekend), rushed back, caught the yellow-line Metro and was only 10 minutes late for my first session: Leading Technology-Driven Change: Theory & Practice. You... more

Susan in Crystal City

Even though I am just about traveled out from the South trip, I hit the road again this morning to come to Washington, D.C. for the ALA annual conference. You may remember that I am on the Instructional Technologies Committee, a committee of the Instruction Section of ACRL. When you are on a committee, you... more

Susan and “Social Stratification in the Deep South”

Lynn and I are almost at the end of our big south adventure. We’ve been reporting our daily activities on the course wiki/blog. Instead of detailing it separately here, I’m linking to my “daily journal” from the other site. My entries can’t even begin to cover the entire experience, it’s been a once in a... more

Susan Signs off and Heads Home

I’m getting set to catch the airport shuttle and start the long trip back to Winston-Salem! My first ALA Midwinter has been a positive experience and it’s been wonderful to have a chance to visit Seattle. I definitely have it on my list for a return visit when I can take more time to explore... more