By Susan Smith

Inside ZSR

Susan at LITA National Forum 2010

This year’s LITA National Forum is being held in Atlanta. There are 5 of us here from ZSR Library, probably the largest representation we’ve ever had at a single Forum. One big impact of this fact is that we were able to take advantage of the new library van to transport all of us down... more

Sunday at ALA for Susan

Today has been a busy day with a variety of interesting activities that made for a different than usual conference experience. This morning I started the day off at an awards breakfast where Kevin was presented with his award from Lyrasis as a Next Gen librarian. I was expecting a big impersonal affair, but it... more

Susan @ ALA DC 2010

After a lovely road trip from Winston-Salem to DC in the library’s new Quest van, we delivered everyone to their respective hotels, got checked in and went directly into *conference* mode. Carolyn, Erik and I are staying at the Washington Hilton which is one of the headquarters hotels. It is where many LITA activities are... more

EDUCAUSE Southeast: A Quick Trip to Atlanta

Atlanta Skyline from the 55th floor of the Westin Hotel Those of us who aspire to be active professionals are regularly looking for conferences where we can submit proposals to present on the interesting projects we are involved with at ZSR Library and Wake Forest University. This was the case with the EDUCAUSE 2010 Southeast... more

Susan and Giz at LAUNC-CH

Giz and I were invited to submit a presentation proposal for the LAUNC-CH Research Forum that was held on May 5, 2010 at UNC-Chapel Hill. LAUNCH-CH is the Librarians’ Association of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. The afternoon event consisted of several poster sessions and 3 “paper presentations.” Giz and I talked... more

PDC Workshop: Managing Upward

When I saw the PDC posting for a seminar on “Managing Upward” I was attracted by the possibilities! In my position as Director of RITS, one of my most important responsibilities is to act as an advocate for my 14 team members and do my best to secure the resources they need to advance the... more

The Art of Feedback

Those of you who know me and love me might ask “Whatever could Susan hope to gain from a feedback workshop”? Well, actually, all of you know that I don’t particularly shy away from giving feedback, but that sometimes I might not be particularly artful in how I do it. I also, like many others,... more

Susan’s Final Morning at ALA Midwinter 2010

I had two sessions on my itinerary this morning, both at the Convention Center. So my roommates and I checked out bright and early and hopped the shuttle down to the BCEC one last time. It was a snowy ride, as the wet weather W-S experienced yesterday made its way to New England and turned... more

Sunday @ ALA Midwinter According to Susan

Today I had the pleasure of watching as the LITA “Top Technology Trends” torch was passed to a new group of “trendsters” that included our very own Lauren Pressley. Top Technology Trends is a highly regarded semi-annual event at ALA where the top names in the library technology field predict next year’s top trends. The... more

Susan at ALA Midwinter in Boston

My first full day at ALA Midwinter 2010 was chock full of meetings, discussions, exhibits and renewing acquaintances. Our hotel is close to Boston Common, not far from Beacon Hill. The Boston Convention & Exhibition Center is farther than a walk away, so the first order of business was to familiarize myself with the conference... more