By Susan Smith

Inside ZSR

Erik and Susan: Embedded and in Alabama

“Technology Central in Birmingham” Greetings from the Deep South. Erik and I are traveling for 16 days with the 2009 iteration of Drs. Hattery and Smith’s “Social Stratification in the Deep South” experiential summer course. This year there are 19 students, 13 from Colgate University (where Hattery and Smith taught this past year), 5 from... more

Saturday in Seattle: Susan’s Final Day

Poster Sessions Saturday’s ACRL was chock-full of opportunities for learning and networking. I don’t think any of us have mentioned that the “gate count” for the conference was 2841 face-to-face attendees and a minimum of 332 virtual attendees for a new record. So, the Convention Center was bustling all day long. As Lynn intimated in... more

Friday at ACRL for Susan

Today was a busy one, full of educational sessions, vendor meetings, and poster sessions. My day started with a breakfast session about “Leveraging the Institutional Repository to support the institution’s strategic mission.” An interesting resource that was mentioned during the presentation was ROAR: Registry of Open Asccess Repositories that monitors the growth of eprint archives... more

Thursday: A Venn Day for Susan in Seattle

Touring Boehm’s Candy Factory Roz, Mary Beth and Lynn have already covered the important highlights of day one at ACRL in Seattle.My pictures from yesterday show the day (in reverse): a fun, informative tour of outlying areas surrounding Seattle, including (in addition to chocolate, wine and waterfalls) floating bridges, a view of Bill Gates’ lakefront... more

Susan Arrives in Seattle for ACRL 2009

Today was a long travel day to arrive in Seattle for tomorrow’s start of ACRL 2009. Mary Beth and I caught a 6:25 am flight from Greensboro and arrived at our hotel around 1 pm (western time) after 7 hours of flight time and a stop in Houston. Roz flew on a different airline and... more

Susan’s Sunday at ALA Midwinter

A Cold Denver Night Scene Sunday was a day full of meetings, presentations and networking for me that ran from 7:30 am to 11:00 pm (way past my usual bedtime!). Neither of my committees met, so I had the flexibility to pick and choose how to structure my day. The day was cold with snow... more

Susan at ALA Midwinter: Day 2

Lawrence Argent’s “I See What You Mean,” at the Colorado Convention Center in Denver. This year I am on two committees and both met today. The first one started at 8 am, which wasn’t a problem since the 2 hours time difference had me wide awake by 4 am (MST). This was my new committee,... more

Susan at ALA Midwinter in Denver: Day1

Today has been a long one, full of travel, a symposium, a happy hour and a lovely dinner. It’s time for ALA Midwinter once again. This time it’s being held in Denver, one of my favorite cities to visit. The day started with an early flight, designed to get me here in time to attend... more

ZSR Library Journal Reading Group

Last summer, ZSR Library staff started up a Journal Reading group and today was the final gathering of the fall semester. The idea was modeled along the lines of a book club, but with professional journal articles instead of books. Each month, a preselected article (chosen by a staff member) is read and then discussed... more

Final Morning at LITA 2008

LITA goes until noon on Sunday, and since the only return direct flight to Greensboro after the close of the conference isn’t until 7:25 pm this evening (sigh), I’ll spend the time before the shuttle comes to take me to the airport to wrap up. This morning began at a breakfast of this year’s and... more