By Susan Smith

Inside ZSR

Saturday: Presentation Day at LITA for Erik & Susan

Today was the day for our presentation of a case study of our facebook LIB100 class last spring. We had submitted a proposal to do this way back in December, even before the class had taken place (Caroline was a collaborator, we were sorry she couldn’t be with us, as she was an important part... more

Friday at LITA in Cincinnati

An early direct flight (who knew they still exist?) landed Erik and me in Cincinnati before breakfast. The trip began with a most interesting shuttle trip from the airport where the driver (who was about 80), immediately took us off the interstate onto a scenic mountainous, winding, trecherous road that followed the Ohio River on... more

Susan’s MERLOT Report

I’m starting this report with a disclaimer: I arrived in Minneapolis to attend and present at MERLOT International Conference this weekend AFTER a long week of intensive learning in Cambridge. So, I am admitting up front to the fact that my brain was already on overload. Thus, my notes are much more brief than Lauren... more

One Last Leadership Institute Session to Share

Joe Zolner Our final session this morning was designed to pull together everything we have been learning this week and get us thinking about how we can use what we’ve learned to develop our ability to become change agents at our institutions. Joe Zolner, our program leader and primary instructor this week, shared his thoughts... more

Final Days at the Institute

Our Discussion Group at Breakfast Yesterday was another full day of sessions and learning. We worked on two case studies – the first was about the Boston Lyric Opera where we examined how a non-profit organization used a specific tool, the Balanced Scorecard, to improve its organizational performance and outcomes. I could see how this... more

Leadership Institute: Monitoring Institutional Performance, Vision & Voice and More

Today, a full day of discussion and presentations continued. In the small group discussion this morning, we spent an hour trying to frame a mini-case written by one of our group members. Earlier this summer, each person was asked to submit a mini-case in which we described a challenging situation in which we are involved.... more

Leadership Institute: Reframing and Frame Flipping

Large group class time The past two days have been filled with in-depth discussion and analysis using the four frames (perspectives) for making leadership choices. As I mentioned in my overview a few days ago, this week is being structured around the framework of Bolman and Deal’s four frame model of organizations (structural, human resources,... more

Sunday: The Institute Begins

Program Materials The Leadership Institute began Sunday afternoon by assigning each of the 99 participants into one of 10 small discussion groups. We will be with our assigned group throughout the week and will start each day off with the group to discuss, share and/or to supplement content covered the previous day or assigned to... more

Saturday Afternoon in Cambridge, MA

Harvard College Campus I arrived in Cambridge, Massachusetts late this morning to spend a week at Harvard to attend the Leadership Institute for Academic Librarians. The Harvard Institutes for Higher Education collaborates annually with ACRL to present this institute. Their goal (and mine) is to increase attendees’ (my) capacity to lead and manage. The program... more

Monday: Susan’s Final Day at ALA Anaheim

Today was my last day of the conference, although it continues until Wednesday for some of the higher echelon of ALA Division and committee folks. It has been my most action packed ALA conference to date and it’s been worth it (but I’m ready to head home!). My first meeting of the day started at... more