By Lynn Sutton

Inside ZSR

Lynn at ALA – Part 1

I came to ALA a day early this year because Lyrasis held a Board meeting on Thursday afternoon. This was the first time we met our new Nelinet colleagues and we had a lively discussion on planning for the future! I love Chicago. When you grow up in the Midwest, Chicago is your New York,... more

Entrepreneurship Conference

Congratulations to the ZSR-UNCG team who organized “Inspiration, Innovation, Celebration: an entrepreneurial conference for librarians,” held June 3-4 at the Elliott University Center at UNCG. Wanda, Mary Beth and Mary Scanlon worked hard for over a year and the results paid off! I’m sure they will blog about specific programs. I will give an overview... more

NCICU Assessment Conference

North Carolina Independent Colleges and Universities is a consortium of private schools that provides lobbying in the North Carolina legislature and professional development programming for various units in universities including libraries. Besides the fact that you just can’t get too much information on assessment, I was interested in this conference because I have just been... more

Lynn at SAMM

Wanda covered much of the SAMM conference. I was only there one day, mostly because I am a SOLINET/Lyrasis Board member, so I will cover the sessions that I went to that Wanda did not. My flight from Charlotte was late so I missed the opening keynote…grrhgghhhh! Google Book Search Settlement:Now What? Jonathan Band, Technology... more

ASERL (Day Two)

Most of the Friday sessions were brief reports on various ASERL projects: An exciting new program is called “Liaison Librarians of the 21st Century.” It was proposed by George Mason University and was approved by the membership for further investigation and implementation, provided grant funding can be secured. It is a two year plan to... more

ASERL (Day One)

ASERL (Association of Southeastern Research Libraries) began for me with the Education Committee meeting on Wednesday afternoon. We discussed a really exciting proposal for a professional development program for liaison librarians. How timely! Our own ZSR liaison development program will begin on May 12 with Carol Wittig from the University of Richmond. If the proposal... more


ALADN (Academic Library Advancement and Development Network) is one of the most worthwhile conferences I attend. I started educating myself at ALADN after I came to Wake Forest because raising money for ZSR was one of my main goals. It was/is a challenge because I had no previous experience with library fundraising and we do... more

Technology Forum – Day Two

The Chronicle Technology Forum concluded today with a half-day session. The first session was about distance education so it wasn’t that relevant to Wake Forest, which is grounded in personal face-to-face relationships between student and faculty. I know that Lauren P. has found value in working with distance librarians because they tend to use technology... more

Chronicle Technology Forum

Rick Matthews, Associate Provost for Information Systems, and I are attending the Technology Forum sponsored by the Chronicle of HIgher Education. I am one of only a handful of librarians. There are more CIO types, along with a smattering of provosts, presidents and lots of vendors from the technology industry. This is the first conference... more

Closing Sunday at ACRL (Lynn)

On Sunday, we woke up to HUGE snowflakes coming down, which turned an hour later into a cold rain. Seattle weather may be worse than Detroit’s. I dutifully trudged down to the convention center for the closing sessions. “Buzz Off! Tossing Traditional Collection Development Practices for Patron Initiated Purchasing,” Sue Polanka, Wright State University, Alice... more