By Lynn Sutton

Inside ZSR

So Long Seattle from Lynn

I see Erik is already starting the next iteration of this blog from San Antonio, so I will keep this brief. I judge this to be a successful Midwinter. Seattle is nearly ideal as a Midwinter site, with all the hotels in walking distance of the Convention Center, the weather consistently over freezing, and plenty... more

Monday, Monday with Lynn

My first appointment was not until 11:00 so I spent the morning catching up on email. Then I met my former colleague from Wayne State, Bob Holley, for an early lunch. Bob and I were both at Wayne for many years and held a variety of positions. At one point, he was Interim Dean and... more

Sunday with Lynn

Sunday morning started bright and early with the Alibris User Group breakfast at 8:00 am. I serve on the Alibris Collection Development Award panel and the winners were announced at the breakfast. When I read the finalists’ applications this year, I promised myself I would never complain about our acquisitions budget again because these were... more

Saturday Report from Lynn

In my experience, Saturday is almost always the busiest day of any ALA Conference. The cab driver on the way in from the airport asked why librarians had their conferences over the weekend because most other professional groups start on Monday. Good question. In any case, I found myself with three things I wanted/needed to... more

Friday in Seattle with Lynn

I spent the day on the University of Washington campus at an all-day follow-up workshop to the Institute on Scholarly Communications that I attended in December in Durham (remember that marathon Gaz article?). I LOVED the campus and was very glad to see both the Odegaard Undergraduate Library (that I heard a lot about when... more