I started my Saturday at a small Focus Group breakfast put on by ProQuest. I had asked a few questions at the ProQuest booth on Friday and was invited to this breakfast which was to talk to librarians about upcoming interface changes in ProQuest. A lot of what I saw I can’t talk about (nondisclosure... more ›
So today was a day where I spent a good deal of time with vendors and since Mary Beth and Susan will most likely cover the sessions I went to, I’ll focus my post on what I learned about new products and offerings on the horizon. The day started with a breakfast sponsored by Serial... more ›
Had a fabulous tour with Mary Beth and Susan today called “Chocolate, Waterfalls and Wine” – hard to think of any other combination more appealing to me unless it had been called “Shakespeare, Frank Lloyd Wright and ACC Basketball”! We started at Boehm’s Chocolate’s just outside of Seattle. Handmade chocolates, free of preservatives, housed in... more ›
This afternoon 18+ folks gathered in LIB204 for a webcast from ACRL on Information Commons. The sections was led by Joan Lippencott. Here are the notes from the session – it will be available online from ACRL and I will post the link here when available. She began by discussing the concepts of Information Commons... more ›
I didn’t post about my last day an a half at the ACRL Intentional Teacher Immersion program primarily because it was pretty intense and I needed time to process it. Again, I won’t bore you with the details, but it involved pretty intense discussions of what we percieve to be weaknesses in our teaching that... more ›
Yes. We had an earthquake. We felt it — a bit scary but when the locals didn’t run for the hills we figured we were ok. We are meeting in a brand new building so it has all the requisite earthquake resistance built in, but still a bit unnerving. Day two was a good one.... more ›
This week I am in San Diego in one of the ACRL Immersion programs. For those unfamiliar with them, these programs are week-long immersion programs focused on various aspects of information literacy. There are four tracks. Assessment (not running this time, but focuses on how to assess student learning and program success), Program (focusing on... more ›
My presentation was scheduled for that most hated time….last slot, last day. I was sure it would be me and the two people who couldn’t get flights out until Sunday, but in actuality I had between 60 and 70 people attend and they were an enthusiastic and appreciative group. My topic was two-fold. First I... more ›
This excellent presentation was done by two librarians at NCSU: Scott Warren, the Assoc. Director of the Textiles Library and Engineering Sciences and Kim Duckett, Digital Technologies and Learning Librarian. What they have done is to expand on our discussion of the economics of information and scholarly publishing for an upper-level english class on communication... more ›
This morning’s plenary panel on the future of libraries in HE was presented by Dr. Annette Haggray (Dean at College of DuPage), Lisa Hinchliffe (Head of UG Library at U of IL at Urbana-Champaign) and Christopher Stewart (Dean of Libraries at IL Institute of Technology). Univ of Illinois: RESEARCH is primary 11 million vols in... more ›