By Hu Womack

Inside ZSR

ALA CORE Forum 2024-A ZSR Recap!

The ALA division, Core: Leadership, Infrastructure, Futures, began in 2020 through the combining of the Association for Library Collections and Technical Services (ALCTS), the Library Information Technology Association (LITA), and the Library Leadership and Management Association (LLAMA). This was the third annual conference held this year in Minneapolis, with 470 folks attending, up from 400... more

ZSR at TILC 2024

The Innovative Library Classroom 2024 On June 6-7, the Innovative Library Classroom (TILC) conference celebrated its 10th annual conference this year, and the 100 available seats filled up in four hours this year! In her opening remarks, Candice Benjes-Small from William & Mary, who leads the steering committee, referred to this small and mighty conference... more

Roz and Hu at Wake Washington

It had been four years since we last visited Wake Washington. That visit to present and discuss mis/disinformation happened just weeks before COVID-19, and we promised not to be harbingers of disaster this time! Just to make sure, we changed our topic to “Election Mis/Disinformation: How to Spot it, why it’s Effective, and What We... more

Meghan and Hu at the 43rd Annual First-Year Experience Conference in Seattle

Recently, we had the opportunity to attend and present “Timing is Everything: Planning and Managing Library Outreach for New Students During Their First Six Weeks” at the First-Year Experience Conference 2024 in Seattle with the Director of Orientation, New Student and Transitions Programs, Dr. Cherise James. This was the largest FYE since COVID-19 and the... more

Unexpected Mentoring: Three Reinvigorating Experiences

Overview January is National Mentoring Month, and the ZSR Librarians’ Assembly Mentoring Committee would like to share our own stories of unexpected mentoring along with some new resources in the collection on mentoring for both faculty and staff. Look for more mentoring-focused posts this month and more programming from the mentoring committee in the coming... more

A Tour of the Swem Library – The Innovative Library Classroom (TILC 2023)

The Innovative Library Classroom is a small and much-loved conference by any librarian who finds themself in the classroom! This was my first time attending in several years, and it did not disappoint! Shoutout to the co-chairs: Candice Benjes-Small (William & Mary), Mary Oberlies (William & Mary), Jennifer Resor-Whicker (Radford University), and Lucinda Wittkower (Old... more

Mary Beth, Roz, Molly, Amanda, Colleen, and Hu at ACRL 2023

The Association of College and Research Libraries biennial conference was held in Pittsburgh from March 15-18, and six librarians from ZSR attended. The core purpose of ACRL is to lead academic and research librarians and libraries in advancing learning and transforming scholarship. The theme of the conference was “Forging the Future.” There were 2100 attendees... more

Alumni Admissions Forum 2022 – ZSR Tours

Friday, June 24th, was the annual alumni admissions forum! We saw alumni bringing potential students to tour all parts of campus! While a tour of ZSR might not seem blog-worthy, today’s tour turned into an impromptu party in the 24-hour room (for about 15 minutes!) Joy Gambill led a wonderful tour for a dozen individuals... more

ACCelerate Festival 2022

The Smithsonian Museum of American History hosted the third ACCelerate Festival on April 8-10. The festival is “a celebration of creative exploration and innovative research happening at the intersection of science, engineering, arts, and design from across the Atlantic Coast Conference (ACC) and the Smithsonian Institution.” ZSR Dean, Tim Pyatt, has led the WFU... more

ZSR and the ACRL Virtual Conference 2021

From Tuesday, April 13th to Friday, April 16th, several members of the ZSR Library attended the Association of College and Research Libraries Virtual Conference. While not quite the same experience as attending in person, there was still a wealth of knowledge information shared through both live and on-demand conference presentations. Here were some highlights: A... more