I attended ALA virtually, although I’d hoped to go in person, but the sudden and early appearance of my grandson upended those plans. So I’ve been availing myself of several of the sessions that were recorded and made available to all ALA registrants. I have found many very interesting and relevant sessions. ALA stepped up... more ›
After getting back into the conference-going groove with NASIG, I attended the ALA Annual Conference in Washington, DC, from Friday, June 24th through Monday, June 27th. A big part of the reason I attended the conference in person, rather than virtually, was that I had business to do with Core. Now, you may be asking... more ›
To me ALA felt surprisingly normal this year, despite masks and lower attendance. I suppose masks simply no longer feel weird; and all the sessions I attended were full, as were the exhibits and hallways. On Saturday morning, being a member of two committees in the same section, I had to choose which table to... more ›
After 3 long years, I attended my first in-person national conference from June 5th to 8th in Baltimore, MD. The NASIG Conference (which focuses on scholarly communications, the information chain, electronic resources and serials) is my favorite conference to attend and it was good one to “break the seal” with, even though it was a... more ›
Last week I hopped a plane and flew up to Boston College for the second meeting of the 2022 ACC Academic Leaders Network (ALN) leadership development program. It was good to be traveling again, especially by plane (I love flying!), and I was glad to be in parts of Boston I’d not visited before. Boston... more ›
Carolyn’s and Lauren’s “Digital Experience” of ALA Annual has juicy news like Hoopla controversy, augmented reality with archival materials, attention to indigenous groups, comics librarianship, and equitable ebook access. EDI was a theme throughout the conference. Numerous last minute panelist substitutions took place due to COVID-19. On Saturday June 25th, in the update from the... more ›
Biblio Tech Binding Workshop From April 5 to June 21, each Tuesday night from 6-8:30 pm, I attended an online workshop with Karen Hanmer. Karen possesses the knowledge of how books are constructed from the beginning to the present. She is a wonderful teacher. The workshop, entitled Biblio Tech, is geared toward making historical and... more ›
After two years of online conferences, Atla 2022 was held as a hybrid conference June 15-18. (Almost) all sessions were live-streamed to remote attendees in addition to those who were in-person in Baltimore, with multiple sessions lead by presenters or co-presenters who were also remote. Overall, this seemed to work well, with a concerted effort... more ›
This year, the LOEX annual conference was held in Ypsilanti, MI on May 5-7. LOEX is a non-profit educational clearinghouse for library instruction and information literacy information (LOEX used to stand for Library Orientation Exchange back when library orientation sessions were considered the main instructional format, now it is just LOEX). This year’s conference theme... more ›
Wake Forest University’s Inclusive Teaching Conference (Thursday, April 21, 2022) This blog post is a collaborative “I learned _____.” from a subset of Research and Instruction Librarians who attended the conference. I will say this . . . the librarians were in the proverbial house!!!! Joy set the cornerstone by sitting in the second row... more ›