Professional Development

Conference reports and more from ZSR Librarians

2021 NASIG Conference

With apologies for being late in posting about this, I attended the all online NASIG Conference from Wednesday, May 19th through Friday, May 21st. Although I greatly missed the in-person conference experience, I attended a number of interesting sessions. As Chris noted in his post about this conference, the keynote addresses were excellent but were... more

NASIG’s 2021 Virtual Conference According to Chris

This year, NASIG’s 2021 Virtual Conference was held from Tuesday, May 18 until Friday, May 21.  It was a blend of both live and prerecorded sessions with a variety of speakers and topics.  I also served as a member of the Program Planning Committee again this year, and the committee did a wonderful job to... more

2021 North Carolina Serials Conference According to Chris

On Friday, April 9, I attended the 2021 North Carolina Serials Conference virtually, as it is normally held at the Friday Center in Chapel Hill.  COVID-19 restrictions notwithstanding, the conference was still engaging in terms of content and participation from across the state and the region on a diverse array of topics.  That shift was... more

An Interview with Dolmen Press artist, Leslie MacWeeney

Photograph of Leslie MacWeeney by Alen MacWeeney In April of 2020, I was able to locate and interview Dolmen Press artist, Leslie MacWeeney. Just finding Leslie and being able to interview her was a thrill. I did a blog post in Irish Ink about her in 2016. However, it’s one thing to read about someone... more

ZSR @ LOEX 2021

From May 11th-14th, 2021, several members of the ZSR Research and Instruction team virtually attended LOEX 2021. While we missed attending in person, the program this year was very strong and there were several great sessions that we wanted to share with you: Keynote (Joy) This year’s LOEX Conference was originally planned to take place... more

ZSR and the ACRL Virtual Conference 2021

From Tuesday, April 13th to Friday, April 16th, several members of the ZSR Library attended the Association of College and Research Libraries Virtual Conference. While not quite the same experience as attending in person, there was still a wealth of knowledge information shared through both live and on-demand conference presentations. Here were some highlights: A... more

Perspectives from CNI 2021 Spring Meeting

I have long wanted to attend the biannual CNI meetings, as they offer a range of sessions pertinent to scholarly communication and digital scholarship. Thanks to Dean Tim Pyatt’s invitation to be a ZSR representative at this spring’s virtual meeting, I was able to “go.” Spanning two weeks in March, this CNI meeting was a... more

Thomas @ Code4Lib

This week I attended Code4Lib 2021 from my basement. This is my first virtual, multi-day conference, and I have to say I’m not a big fan. This makes me realize how important it is [for me] to go to a different physical space for a conference and do nothing but attend that conference. You want... more

Leslie at MLA 2021

An exceptionally rich program at this year’s (online) conference of the Music Library Association  – we met  jointly with the Theatre Library Association (some very good sessions co-presented by members of both organizations), and we had an EDI conference theme. EDI The opening plenary addressed anti-racist performing arts librarianship. While the performing arts have historically... more

DLF’s First Virtual Forum

This past November, the DLF Forum occurred virtually for the very first time as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. Focusing on a range of content related to digital library technologies, the main conference provided several hours of programming over the course of two days (November 9-10). Prior to the conference, I was selected as... more