The Innovative Library Classroom 2024 On June 6-7, the Innovative Library Classroom (TILC) conference celebrated its 10th annual conference this year, and the 100 available seats filled up in four hours this year! In her opening remarks, Candice Benjes-Small from William & Mary, who leads the steering committee, referred to this small and mighty conference... more ›
In the effort to continue developing both my instruction and systematic review skills, I had the extraordinary opportunity to attend the Evidence-Based Practice for Health Science Librarians (EBP for HSL) Workshop from June 23 – 26 at the Medical University of South Carolina (MUSC) in Charleston. Previously held at the University of Colorado Denver Anschutz... more ›
On Thursday, June 13 I had the privilege of attending the Metrolina Library Association’s (MLA) 2024 Conference. The conference was held at the Parr Center on the campus of Central Piedmont Community College. The theme was “Rising to the Challenge” and while Wellness wasn’t the explicit topic of the conference, my poster on our Wellness... more ›
Update on LibAnswers Last month we shared our internal challenge to answer 100% of all LibAnswers tickets received during open hours within one hour. In April (our first month focusing on this data point) we answered 76% of all tickets within an hour, with an average response time of 61 minutes. In May, we answered... more ›
We all try to describe the work we do to others. Many times, it is an abstraction to the listener, who must ask additional questions to understand. Helping others understand our work can be tricky. For the past three years, my work has really focused strongly on enclosures (archival boxes, pamphlet binders, Colibri dust jackets,... more ›
The University of South Carolina hosted the spring meeting of the Association of Southeastern Research Libraries (ASERL), May 22-23. I always enjoy these meetings and the opportunity to network with regional deans and directors. It was also an important meeting for ASERL as for the second time in recent years, we added a new member,... more ›
Experiential Learning is the New QEP Topic A couple weeks ago, Wake Forest announced experiential learning as the next Quality Enhancement Plan (QEP) topic. A QEP topic is a required part of the university’s SACSOC accreditation and a new one is selected every ten~ years. The main idea is that the university will focus on... more ›
The ZSR Recognitions: Thank a Colleague! program provides an opportunity for employees to submit a note of thanks to their colleagues. These can be for going above and beyond, helping a job get done, general appreciation, or any reason thanks can be given. Here are those who were recognized over the summer. Thanks to all... more ›
TRIAD ACADEMIC LIBRARY ASSOCIATION – TALA 10TH YEAR CELEBRATION!!! May 22, 2024 High Point University Colleen Foy’s Experience This year’s conference was my first at HPU and as a TALA committee member. I attended the session, “It is Within You: How Adobe Can Change Your Perspective” with Winston-Salem State University O’Kelly Library’s Technical Services Reference... more ›
Two weeks ago, I had the opportunity to attend the Association of Centers for the Study of Congress annual meeting in Washington, DC. This is somewhat of a catch-all group of congressional archivists as well as researchers of congressional collections. The conference was held in the National Archives building, which was an incredible opportunity in... more ›