Inside ZSR

Roz and Hu at Wake Washington

It had been four years since we last visited Wake Washington. That visit to present and discuss mis/disinformation happened just weeks before COVID-19, and we promised not to be harbingers of disaster this time! Just to make sure, we changed our topic to “Election Mis/Disinformation: How to Spot it, why it’s Effective, and What We... more

What’s New in Public Services: March 2024

Course Reserves Update We continue to work on the migration to a new course reserve system, Leganto. The current plan is to go live to instructors on April 23rd. There will be training for ZSR folks next week on April 16th (in-person) and on April 17th (on Zoom). Everyone should have received a calendar invite... more

ZSR Recognitions – March 2024

The ZSR Recognitions: Thank a Colleague! program provides an opportunity for employees to submit a note of thanks to their colleagues. These can be for going above and beyond, helping a job get done, general appreciation, or any reason thanks can be given. Here are those who were recognized over the summer. Thanks to all... more

Morgan @ SOUCABL

For business librarians working at an academic institution in the southeast, attending SOUCABL (Southern University and College Academic Business Librarians Conference) is kinda’ a no brainer. Not only is the conference free (including lunch and breakfast!) but it is also a wonderful opportunity to connect with friends and colleagues new and old and jump straight... more

Lightning Insights: Will at the LAUNC-CH Conference

On Monday, March 11, I had the privilege of attending and presenting at the LAUNC-CH Conference held in the Pleasants Family Assembly Room of the Wilson Special Collections Library at The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. This year, the conference adopted a different format than I recall from previous years. Rather than navigating... more

Leslie at MLA 2024

This year’s meeting of the Music Library Association was held in Cincinnati, with a hybrid format. I attended virtually. IL A panel unveiled the Music Companion to the Framework for Information Literacy, the culmination of several years’ work developing music applications for the ACRL standard. Some points distinctive to music and other performing arts: Embodied... more

Lauren at ER&L 2024

Human Responsibility in the Age of AI by Kasia Chmielinski: While there are some fears about AI – real ones include risks of bias – human intervention is possible. The Data Nutrition Project aims to show some “ingredients” in the data, just like a food nutrition label does. There is a section that is icons... more

What’s New in Public Services: February 2024

Continued Leganto Implementation We continue working to implement Leganto, a course reserves management system. The implementation team has recruited Kathy Shields, Hu Womack, Daisha Bunn, and Meghan Webb to help communicate with faculty about this important change. We expect the new system to be live before the Summer 2024 term starts. Collection Location Update We’ve... more

ZSR Recognitions – February 2024

The ZSR Recognitions: Thank a Colleague! program provides an opportunity for employees to submit a note of thanks to their colleagues. These can be for going above and beyond, helping a job get done, general appreciation, or any reason thanks can be given. Here are those who were recognized over the summer. Thanks to all... more

Meghan and Hu at the 43rd Annual First-Year Experience Conference in Seattle

Recently, we had the opportunity to attend and present “Timing is Everything: Planning and Managing Library Outreach for New Students During Their First Six Weeks” at the First-Year Experience Conference 2024 in Seattle with the Director of Orientation, New Student and Transitions Programs, Dr. Cherise James. This was the largest FYE since COVID-19 and the... more