Inside ZSR

Susan’s ACRL Day One

The first day of this conference was jam-packed from early morning to midnight. This year I took a more disciplined approach to the programming than I usually do, so I had charted out my day’s plan of action. The logistics of this particular conference location made it easy to execute since our hotel is connected... more

Giz ACRL Thursday

This is my first ACRL and I’m enjoying the size (smaller than ALA) and the focus (almost every program is relevant in some way!) I’ll try to convey the great energy at this conference in my blog post, but I’m sure I can’t do it justice. I’ve always liked Roz’s theme approach to conference blogging,... more

Roz ACRL Thursday

I usually do conference ‘theme’ posts and I’m still figuring out what my themes will be (spaces and discovery most likely) but for now I’ll mention a few things from today. Breakfast was hosted by Serials Solutions and included presentations from three libraries using Summon, their discovery service. I know it’s not perfect, but each... more

Lynn’s Thursday at ACRL

It is a good thing librarians are organized because you really needed to be organized to choose from the hundreds of programs available at ACRL today. I started off at 8:00 am with a session on Return on Investment (ROI) and other ways to demonstrate the value of a library to its community. Jim Neal... more

Susan Arrives at ACRL Philadelphia

As you probably have read in Giz’s earlier post, we spent the day traveling in the library van from Winston-Salem to Philadelphia to attend the 2011 ACRL conference. It was a great trip, with computing productivity thanks to Giz’s wifi hotspot, frequent brainstorming for future library projects and just plain good conversation. If you are... more

ACRL 2011: Opening Session

I think I say this every time. The great thing about an ACRL conference is that there are no committee meetings or business sessions, just tons of interesting presentations about academic libraries. What a luxury to be free to learn new things! OK, the other good thing about ACRL is that they give ZSR national... more

ACRL 2011: On Route, Discussing Tech Topics

At 6am, Susan, Mary Beth, Roz and I loaded up the ZSR minivan and headed to Philadelphia. Now we are just north of Raleigh near Butner. We are using my iPhone 4 as a mobile hotspot to allow my ThinkPad and Susan’s MacBook Air to connect to the Internet. AT&T now allows iPhone users to... more

ACRL session on future scenarios for higher education libraries

In the afternoon I bounced around to a few sessions but wound up the acrl future of academic libraries session. The session was packed and focused on a report of alternate futures for academic libraries. In general active curation roles were popular as was the the idea that online learning could lead to virtual or... more

ACRL/NY: Innovation by Design–Re-Visioning the Library

Last Friday I had the fortune to attend the 2010 ACRL/NY Annual Symposium at Baruch College, Vertical Campus Conference Center in New York. The theme of the symposium was “Innovation by Design: Re-Visioning the Library.” The symposium was a really well run event. ACRL/NY is an excellent organization, and they know how to put on... more

Scholarly Communication & Liaison Outreach

Today Molly and Mary Beth (and for a while, Lauren C.) watched the ARL-ACRL Institute on Scholarly Communication webinar, “Broader Library Involvement in Building Scholarly Communication Programs.” The goal of the webinar was share examples and provide ideas for institutions who wish to involve liaisons in scholarly communication (SC) outreach across campus. This webinar was... more