#ALA Midwinter

Inside ZSR

Susan Arrives for ALA Midwinter 2008

Bookbinders Restaurant This year, ALA Midwinter is being held in Philadelphia. I arrived late this afternoon by car (because a family obligation found me in the DC area the past few days). I’m rooming with Mary Horton at the downtown Marriott, which connects to the Convention Center. Mary arrived yesterday and had meetings to attend... more

Lauren at emerging leaders

In an effort to keep the PD blog readable, I’ve been posting periodic updates to my own blog: emerging leaders leadership discussion mw2008 emerging leaders group meeting/leadership analysis emerging leaders group meeting emerging leader discussion on negotiation So far it’s been a good experience! We have developed an interesting project, so here’s hoping it goes... more

So Long Seattle from Lynn

I see Erik is already starting the next iteration of this blog from San Antonio, so I will keep this brief. I judge this to be a successful Midwinter. Seattle is nearly ideal as a Midwinter site, with all the hotels in walking distance of the Convention Center, the weather consistently over freezing, and plenty... more

Monday, Monday with Lynn

My first appointment was not until 11:00 so I spent the morning catching up on email. Then I met my former colleague from Wayne State, Bob Holley, for an early lunch. Bob and I were both at Wayne for many years and held a variety of positions. At one point, he was Interim Dean and... more

Lauren’s last day at ALA

This Monday is shaping up to be pretty busy! I attended the LITA Town Meeting. It was great! They’re starting their own strategic planning process, so it was interesting to see what they had to say in relation to what we’ve been doing. I blogged about it for the LITA Blog. (I’ll add the link... more

Susan Signs off and Heads Home

I’m getting set to catch the airport shuttle and start the long trip back to Winston-Salem! My first ALA Midwinter has been a positive experience and it’s been wonderful to have a chance to visit Seattle. I definitely have it on my list for a return visit when I can take more time to explore... more

Susan’s Sunday Evening Events

I was invited to two receptions last evening and luckily both were in close proximity at the Seattle Center. The Center is on a big campus that was built for the 1962 World’s Fair and was a pleasant mile walk from my hotel. ALA Editons hosts a reception each ALA Conference for authors and their... more

Sunday with Lynn

Sunday morning started bright and early with the Alibris User Group breakfast at 8:00 am. I serve on the Alibris Collection Development Award panel and the winners were announced at the breakfast. When I read the finalists’ applications this year, I promised myself I would never complain about our acquisitions budget again because these were... more

Susan in the Exhibit Hall

After lunch I went to the exhibit hall with three main goals: to talk with Syndetic Solutions, to stop and say “hey” to Bill Kane and to find some free chocolates to satisfy my sweet tooth! I am pleased to report I met all three goals. Syndetic was the toughest. I could not see them... more

Old Home Week(end)

As I said, there are thousands of librarians here, spread out all over the city in multiple hotels. Meetings are stretched out all over also, so it’s not surprising that I haven’t laid eyes on Lauren, Mary or Sarah (I did run into Lynn on the street yesterday as we hurried to go to different... more