#ALA Midwinter

Inside ZSR

MB @ ALA midwinter

Hi y’all, from the Lone Star State…and they are everywhere! After a very smooth travel day yesterday, and having some time to enjoy a few sights of Dallas, today’s sprint started with a bang…literally. Well it was really an air horn, and it was really a 5K, but the day was a full run. My... more

Susan’s Straight Shootin’ Report #1

For me, ALA Midwinter has become mostly about committee work. I am on two LITA committees currently – Top Tech Trends (the committee is responsible for putting together the Top Tech Trends program that is held at each ALA conference) and LITA National Forum Planning Committee (I am chair of this committee this year). This... more

Saying Goodbye to the Statistical Abstract (maybe): Roz at ALA MW

I’m sure some theme will eventually emerge from this Midwinter meeting (you know I like theme posts) but until that time, I just wanted to do a post on a discussion group I attended today called ‘Life After the Statistical Abstract.’ For those who don’t know, the Statistical Abstract of the United States has been... more

ALA Midwinter, Pt. 1 – Lynn

I haven’t attended ALA Midwinter in several years. This year, I am co-chairing the Cyber Zed Shed Committee for the 2013 ACRL Conference, so my attendance was required. In addition, our peer University Libraries Group (ULG) agreed to meet in Dallas on the day before Midwinter started so that made the trip doubly worthwhile. ULG... more

ALA Midwinter Wrap-up

Today Giz, Lynn, Ellen D., Lauren C. and Kaeley attended an ALA Midwinter conference wrap-up. It was an interesting session to see what some of the big sessions that people attended were. Lots of content on mobile and social focused technology. One element that got a lot of attention was the work of Jim Hahn... more

Lauren C. at ALA Midwinter San Diego 2011

Hot topics: demand-driven acquisitions -is selection dead?; deselection tool being developed; future of Midwinter conference; “reshaping” ALCTS. The last two topics occupied the majority of my time since this is my year as Chair of ALCTS Acquisitions Section, which makes me a member of the ALCTS Board and requires participation in several long, but interesting,... more

Carolyn at 2011 ALA Midwinter in San Diego

I was very excited about going to Midwinter this year due to its location in warm, sunny San Diego and that I was staying in the same fabulous hotel, the Omni, that Mark and I stayed in while we were there last summer for his microbiology conference. On Satuday, I attended “Electronic Resources as a... more

Steve at 2011 ALA Midwinter

On January 5th, after one day back at work after Christmas break, I flew out to San Diego for ALA Midwinter. I had to get in a couple days early, because I had to attend a NASIG Executive Board meeting on the 6th. It was very productive all-day meeting, where we talked about NASIG business... more

Lauren P.’s ALA Midwinter, part III: LITA and a bit about Council

My big lesson this ALA: conferences are for lots of things. In the beginning, for me at least, it’s a big mix. Over time, I’ve started attending a more specialized conference. ALAs can be about programs, vendors, meetings with individuals from across the country, committee work, governing work, and networking. For a few years, my... more

Susan’s Final Day of ALA Midwinter 2011

This morning I completed my participation in the 2011 ALA Midwinter. Most years, I have headed home on Monday morning since my committee obligations are usually done by Sunday. However, because I am getting more involved with LITA, I needed to attend the LITA Town Hall Meeting. This is a breakfast session for LITA members... more