#ALA Midwinter

Inside ZSR

Steve at ALA Midwinter

Last Wednesday I flew up to Boston for ALA Midwinter and a meeting of the NASIG Executive Board, which I attended as Member-at-Large. Although NASIG is an independent organization, we piggyback our board meeting on the front-end of the conference. So Thursday, I attended our all-day meeting to discuss the on-going business of NASIG in... more

Lauren P. at ALA Midwinter

Cross posted to my blog. This was a fun ALA for me, though I didn’t get (or stay) out as much as I typically do. Little boy Borwick is already making his presence known in the form of hijacking my schedule for resting. 🙂 I tried to pick activities wisely, and I still wanted to... more

Susan’s Final Morning at ALA Midwinter 2010

I had two sessions on my itinerary this morning, both at the Convention Center. So my roommates and I checked out bright and early and hopped the shuttle down to the BCEC one last time. It was a snowy ride, as the wet weather W-S experienced yesterday made its way to New England and turned... more

Some Musings on eBooks from Roz at ALA

Rather than detail other sessions I have gone to here at ALA Midwinter, I thought I’d follow a thread that has gone throughout them and try and give some perspectives and ideas that have come to me. Ebooks, not surprisingly, have been a hot topic – everyone wants to know if we have hit the... more

Saving the World and Some $$ – Roz at ALA

My Saturday afternoon at ALA Midwinter went from the sublime to the sublime. First I got to hear Al Gore speak about his new book Our Choice: A Plan to Save The Earth — he was inspiring as always (if you find him inspiring as I do). He made some interesting points about the information... more

Sunday @ ALA Midwinter According to Susan

Today I had the pleasure of watching as the LITA “Top Technology Trends” torch was passed to a new group of “trendsters” that included our very own Lauren Pressley. Top Technology Trends is a highly regarded semi-annual event at ALA where the top names in the library technology field predict next year’s top trends. The... more

Susan at ALA Midwinter in Boston

My first full day at ALA Midwinter 2010 was chock full of meetings, discussions, exhibits and renewing acquaintances. Our hotel is close to Boston Common, not far from Beacon Hill. The Boston Convention & Exhibition Center is farther than a walk away, so the first order of business was to familiarize myself with the conference... more

EBSCO News – Roz at ALA

Spent the morning in a committee meeting and then had lunch on EBSCO for their Academic Librarian’s Lunch. They usually make interesting announcements at these things (in Chicago this past summer they announced their Discovery Service) so I was curious as to what was coming. Two items of interest came out. First EBSCO is tweaking... more

Steve at ALA Midwinter

Sorry this is so late, but at least the info included is not time-sensitive.Like several other folks here, I went to the ALA Midwinter Conference in Denver in late-January.I stayed at the apartment of our former colleague Jim Galbraith, who is now living in Denver and working for NetLibrary as a Product Manager.Jim sends his... more

ALA Midwinter 2009, Denver, Lauren Corbett

ALA Midwinter 2009, Denver,Lauren Corbett CONTENTS Committee work for Association of Library Collections and Technical Services (ALCTS) division of ALA : oContinuing Resources Section (CRS) oBudget & Finance Committee (B&F) oAcquisitions Section (AS) Time in the exhibits to meet with vendors, foreign in particular Forum on WorldCat Records Transfer Policy and Guidelines Fulfilling CRS and... more