#ALA Midwinter

Inside ZSR

Lauren P @ Midwinter

Whew! Midwinter was busy, productive, and good this go around! As you know I typically blog each event and pull the posts together into daily posts here. This time I quickly realized that I wouldn’t even have the time for that type of reporting, so I did daily posts over on my blog, and I’m... more

Susan’s Sunday at ALA Midwinter

A Cold Denver Night Scene Sunday was a day full of meetings, presentations and networking for me that ran from 7:30 am to 11:00 pm (way past my usual bedtime!). Neither of my committees met, so I had the flexibility to pick and choose how to structure my day. The day was cold with snow... more

Susan at ALA Midwinter: Day 2

Lawrence Argent’s “I See What You Mean,” at the Colorado Convention Center in Denver. This year I am on two committees and both met today. The first one started at 8 am, which wasn’t a problem since the 2 hours time difference had me wide awake by 4 am (MST). This was my new committee,... more

Susan at ALA Midwinter in Denver: Day1

Today has been a long one, full of travel, a symposium, a happy hour and a lovely dinner. It’s time for ALA Midwinter once again. This time it’s being held in Denver, one of my favorite cities to visit. The day started with an early flight, designed to get me here in time to attend... more

Lauren on Monday

The LITA Town Meeting was first thing this morning. Part of my role as LITA’s Emerging Leader is to work with the LITA vice-president/president elect, and that kicks off with the Town Meeting. Our theme for the year is communication and marketing, and the group had some very interesting discussions. I have the big sheets... more

Lauren on Sunday

Sunday was busy, but didn’t feel nearly as busy as Friday or Saturday. I even had time for lunch!! At dinner Susan had said she was going to Top Tech Trends in the morning, and since my morning was a little bit flexible, I went too. We got the last two chairs together and both... more

Susan’s Sunday in Philadelphia, Continued

Mosaic Stairway in the Magic Gardens It was cold but sunny in Philadelphia this afternoon, so I took a few hours to tour part of the city by foot. My direction was partially dictated by the fact I left my VISA in Bookbinders two evenings ago, so I needed to retrieve. But, I particularly wanted... more

Susan’s Sunday in Philadelphia

Top Technology Trends I started off the day bright and early, attending the Top Technology Trends committee meeting. It was different than the one I went to a year earlier. Since it is Midwinter, it was more informal, with the technology gurus seated around a table having an informal discussion about technology trends. Those of... more

Lauren on Saturday

Yesterday was pretty busy, so I didn’t get a chance to write up my notes for blogging until I got back to my hotel (without internet)… so here’s what I wrote up, posted in quick succession: I attended the LITA Interest Group/Committee Chair meeting where we got information about chairing responsibilities and saw a few... more

Library 2.0 Publication Podcast Interview

Library 2.0 Publication Podcast Interview This morning I had a new conference experience. Most of you know that Erik, Caroline and I recently authored a chapter in the new ACRL book “Library 2.0: Initiatives in Academic Libraries.” The publisher invited authors who planned to attend ALA Midwinter to be interviewed about our projects on a... more