Inside ZSR

Reinvented Reference (Roz’s Preconference)

Sorry this post is running a day or two behind, but wifi is hard to come by during my days! I have mixed feelings about preconferences in general. I’ve been to a few good ones, but most I’ve attended were not worth the money as I feel they tend to be lots of people with... more

Wanda @ ALA – Saturday

This morning after reading the BCALA schedule of weekend activities I noticed that an update on the 7th National Conference was to be given at an 8:00 a.m. session entitled “Orientation to the Black Caucus.”I quickly offloaded my free breakfast to Susan and proceeded to the session.I was really glad that I did.Participating in the... more

Susan’s Saturday at ALA

I started out bright and early this morning filling in for Wanda at a (free) Serials Solution breakfast where they announced the commercial release of their latest product “Summon,” a web-scale discovery service. This, finally, is the answer that libraries need: it “allows the researcher to quickly search, discover and access reliable and credible library... more

ALA with Lynn (Part II)

It’s fairly frantic here in Chicago but I am enjoying a moment of quiet, waiting for the next session to begin and I even scored access to the only plug in the room! Friday seems so long ago but it started with an appointment to meet with someone from Lyrasis to talk about a potential... more

Lauren P. at ALA Part 1

ALA snuck up on me this year, despite falling later on the calendar. This year is also a big one for me, as I had both a pre-conference and a book-signing on my calendar. Kaeley and I flew in and are rooming together. We ran into Elisabeth Leonard and Beth Bernhardt at the GSO airport,... more

Susan Arrives at ALA

Evening View of the Chicago River Since I don’t have committee meetings until tomorrow, I flew to Chicago this morning and arrived mid-afternoon. I’m staying in a hotel (Wanda is my roommate) on North Michigan Ave. just north of the Chicago River. It’s located in the area known as the Magnificent Mile. I’m told that... more

Wanda @ ALA

I arrived in Chicago on Thursday just in time for a 2:30 p.m. meeting with my co-chair, Roberta Webb who is actually located right there in Chicago.Roberta and I are tasked as conference planning co-chairs for the 2010 Conference of African American Librarians to be held in Birmingham, Alabama. We had a most productive session... more

Lynn at ALA – Part 1

I came to ALA a day early this year because Lyrasis held a Board meeting on Thursday afternoon. This was the first time we met our new Nelinet colleagues and we had a lively discussion on planning for the future! I love Chicago. When you grow up in the Midwest, Chicago is your New York,... more

Steve at ALA Midwinter

Sorry this is so late, but at least the info included is not time-sensitive.Like several other folks here, I went to the ALA Midwinter Conference in Denver in late-January.I stayed at the apartment of our former colleague Jim Galbraith, who is now living in Denver and working for NetLibrary as a Product Manager.Jim sends his... more

ALA Midwinter 2009, Denver, Lauren Corbett

ALA Midwinter 2009, Denver,Lauren Corbett CONTENTS Committee work for Association of Library Collections and Technical Services (ALCTS) division of ALA : oContinuing Resources Section (CRS) oBudget & Finance Committee (B&F) oAcquisitions Section (AS) Time in the exhibits to meet with vendors, foreign in particular Forum on WorldCat Records Transfer Policy and Guidelines Fulfilling CRS and... more