This week I am in San Diego in one of the ACRL Immersion programs. For those unfamiliar with them, these programs are week-long immersion programs focused on various aspects of information literacy. There are four tracks. Assessment (not running this time, but focuses on how to assess student learning and program success), Program (focusing on... more ›
My presentation was scheduled for that most hated time….last slot, last day. I was sure it would be me and the two people who couldn’t get flights out until Sunday, but in actuality I had between 60 and 70 people attend and they were an enthusiastic and appreciative group. My topic was two-fold. First I... more ›
This excellent presentation was done by two librarians at NCSU: Scott Warren, the Assoc. Director of the Textiles Library and Engineering Sciences and Kim Duckett, Digital Technologies and Learning Librarian. What they have done is to expand on our discussion of the economics of information and scholarly publishing for an upper-level english class on communication... more ›
Robin L. Ewing and Melissa Prescott from St. Cloud State Web 2.0 Definition (won’t regurgitate this – the basics – Social networking, bookmarking, tagging, communicating, RSS, etc.) Web 2.0 Surveys 2007 Teens and Social Media from Pew Internet and American Life Creating and Connecting from National School Board survey 64% online teens have created Web... more ›
This presentation, from Elmhurst College, called Laying an Ethical Foundation: Information Ethics as a Good Beginning — IL in a first-year seminar (new program to Elmhurst) — Dean brought it into the curriculum Went to First Year Experience conference (in Hawaii!!!) Partnered with Student Affairs personnel Wanted FYS to be very academic in nature (rather... more ›
Arrived at the Doubletree at Oak Brook, IL this morning after a bit of R&R with my sister including an outstanding Comedy of Errors at the Chicago Shakespeare Theatre….but now it’s two days of Library Instruction ideas. LOEX, for those who don’t know, used to stand for Library Orientation Exchange….now it’s more of an acronym... more ›
I was able to attend a program on Monday! I went to “Once upon a Furl in a Podcast Long Ago: Using New Technologies to Support Library Instruction.” Not only was this program all about some of my favorite topics (technology in education), but it was sponsored by the Women’s Studies Section (my home within... more ›
Not a lot to report here (again, unless you want the inner workings of a committee group). We have a bunch of new, enthusiastic members (YAY!), and are planning on going forward on our Information Literacy Standards project. We want to rewrite the standards for people in Women and Gender Studies. We must be onto... more ›
Panel discussion: Tapping Student Resources to Produce Multimedia Learning Solutions (Amanda Robertson, Mike Cuales, David Howard, Ben Huckaby, David Shew) Explained development of DELTA Recognition of top design students, hired them Have 9 interns, treat as part-time staff, to support multimedia solutions for professors Commit to good training for students in areas they want Creative... more ›
Plenary session: Staying Ahead of the Curve: The Open Croquet Consortium, (Marilyn Lombardi) “The best way to predict the future is to invent it.” – Alan Kay What is the future of online education we want? Where is your teenager now? Harbinger of social change Pass around ideas like social items Multitasking Online socialization Participatory... more ›