
Inside ZSR

“Managing to Change the World” training

Although it has been a while since I attended a two-day training from The Management Center (TMC), entitled “Managing to Change the World” (cough it was in 2023 cough), I did want to share about it. I hadn’t heard of TMC before a friend recommended it, but they are a Black-run, multicultural company focused on... more

Erik learns team building @ PDC

On Wednesday I attended a PDC event on teambuilding. The second part of a three part series, this workshop focused on differentiating a team from a group, went through the stages of team building (Form, Storm, Norm, Perform), and included an interesting discussion on the benefits and perils of generalizing behaviors by generation. As a... more

PDC Workshop: Managing Upward

When I saw the PDC posting for a seminar on “Managing Upward” I was attracted by the possibilities! In my position as Director of RITS, one of my most important responsibilities is to act as an advocate for my 14 team members and do my best to secure the resources they need to advance the... more

Erik and Roz attend PDC sponsored management class

Today, Roz and I attended a management class offered through the Professional Development Center titled “Moving from Boss to Coach.” The session provided an interesting overview of the perspectives typically associated with “bosses” versus “coaches” and discussed the utility of these perspectives in different environments. During the course, many of us got to share an... more