Inside ZSR

Chris at NASIG 2016

The 2016 NASIG Annual Conference was held in Albuquerque, New Mexico in early June, and it was my first conference serving as a Member-At-Large on the Executive Committee. It was a good experience, particularly to have (then) Past President Steve Kelley also representing ZSR on the national scene. I served as the Board Liaison to... more

Steve at NASIG 2015

Okay, so by now you know what’s coming: I apologize for being so darn late in writing this blog post. I lost my notebook! The dog ate my homework! I had to see a guy about a thing! I know there’s no good excuse for writing about a conference almost two months after it happened,... more

Chris at NASIG 2015

2015 is a significant milestone for NASIG in two distinct areas: the organization celebrates its thirtieth anniversary, and the name of the organization changes from “North American Serials Interest Group” to simply “NASIG”. Both events were commemorated at this year’s conference that was held outside of Washington, D.C. with ZSR’s own Steve Kelley serving as... more

Steve at UKSG 2015

Sorry for being so late with this. April and May just ate my life. I know it’s no excuse, but it’s what I’ve got. Now, on to the post. Late last March, NASIG sent me to the UKSG Conference in Glasgow, Scotland as the president and official representative of NASIG. UKSG is the older sister... more

NASIG 2015

Last week I attended the 30th annual NASIG conference, presided over by our own Steve Kelley, who looked more and more carefree as the conference progressed and he got closer to handing over the presidential gavel. Well, at NASIG the outgoing president actually receives a gavel; the new one usually gets a hat. This was... more

Steve at NASIG 2014

Since Chris and Derrik have already written their accounts of the 2014 NASIG Conference, I figure I better get on the ball. This was an unusual conference experience for me. As Vice President of NASIG, I was very involved with the planning of this conference, as well as having to do a lot of organizational... more

Derrik’s takeaways from NASIG 2014

The 2014 conference of the North American Serials Interest Group (NASIG) was a good one, from my point of view. A wide variety of topics and some very good keynote addresses gave me lots to chew on. Since I started attending NASIG conferences 12 years ago, one of my favorite aspects has been the vendor... more

Chris at NASIG 2014

The 29th annual NASIG Conference was held this year from May 1-4, and it was one of the most exciting and thought-provoking conferences I’ve attended in several years. There was a great sense of enthusiasm from members of the group during sessions as well as social events, whether they were first time attendees or more... more

Chris at NASIG 2013

Several weeks ago, I attended the NASIG annual conference in Buffalo, New York. This year, I took a special interest in sessions that dealt with licensing, such as using templates and “model” licenses as well as how to effectively negotiate licenses without an extensive legal background. The care and feeding of electronic resources was also... more

Chris at NASIG 2011

This year, the 26th Annual NASIG Conference was held in St Louis, Missouri. Sessions were devoted to several trends that have emerged for serials and other continuing resources, such as e-books, RDA, and the “Big Deal” for journal packages. Also, there were many sessions that highlighted a specific workflow that a library was doing well... more