Inside ZSR

Steve at NASIG 2011

At this year’s NASIG Conference, there were plenty of sessions on practical things (which I’ll discuss in a bit), but there were also several apt phrases and interesting concepts that jumped out at me. The first phrase came from a session on patron-driven access, where the speakers quoted Peter McCracken of Serials Solutions, who said,... more

Chris at the 2010 NASIG Conference- Day 3

Due to the departure time of my flight back to North Carolina, I was unable to attend the final vision session. However, I did get to one last tactics session before it was time to leave. Tactics- One Identifier: Find Your Oasis with NISO’s I2 (Institutional Identifier) Standard For years, libraries vendors, publishers, and other... more

Chris at the 2010 NASIG Conference- Day 2

These are observations from the second day of the conference. Vision Session #2: Kent Anderson of JBJS, Inc. on Publishing 2.0: How the Internet Changes Publications in Society Mr. Anderson is the CEO/Publisher of The Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery who also maintains “The Scholarly Kitchen” blog. His talk centered on the concept of... more

Chris at the 2010 NASIG Conference- Day 1

This year, NASIG celebrated its 25th anniversary at its conference in Palm Springs, California. Since I was not part of the conference planning committee, I was able to be an “attendee” once again and learn more about the latest challenges for serials and other continuing resources. These are the highlights for the sessions I attended... more

Steve at 2010 NASIG Conference

At the beginning of June, I flew out to Palm Springs, California for the 25th Annual North American Serials Interest Group Conference. As a member-at-large of the NASIG Executive Board, I had to head out on Tuesday, June 1, so I could attend an all-day strategic planning session on the following day. Then on Thursday,... more

NASIG 2009- Behind the Scenes

My professional development experience at the NASIG Annual Conference in Asheville, North Carolina was a different one this year. I was involved in the operation of the conference as a member of the Conference Planning Committee (CPC), which was jointly chaired by Eleanor Cook of East Carolina University and ZSR’s own Steve Kelley. I served... more

Steve at NASIG 2009

I know this is a bit late, but I’ve finally been able to dig myself out from under.The 24th Conference of the North American Serials Interest Group (NASIG) was held during the first week of June, and I served as co-chair of the Conference Planning Committee, with the spectacular support of Chris Burris as our... more

NASIG 2009 – Saturday & Sunday

OK, by now you’re probably getting tired or bored with NASIG, so for my last post I’ll try to give you the short version. First, evidence that Chris and Steve really were there … Saturday’s opening session was by Dr. Carol Tenopir of the Univ. of Tennessee School of Information Sciences, who discussed her research... more

NASIG 2009 – Friday

It is now Saturday evening, the NASIG conference has finished its second full day, I have taken 12 full pages of handwritten notes, and I write small.I am struggling with how to condense all that into a blog post or two.I could just transcribe my notes straight across, but I doubt many of you would... more

NASIG 2009 – Preconferences

This post comes to you from Asheville, NC, where I am attending the 24th annual conference of the North American Serials Interest Group (NASIG).Steve and Chris are on the conference planning committee, but I came on the scene late enough that I get to attend the conference as a participant.The conference begins in earnest on... more