During October 2009

Inside ZSR

Lita last day – themes

This morning I got rained out of a long run in SLC but did get to hear the incredible sound of thunder as it reverberated across the valley. As I finished up my run on a treadmill I saw a few lighning bolts hit the mountains to the west and was very happy to be... more

Lauren’s Second Day at LITA

Today was the longest day of the conference. If you’re interested in the detailed notes, here they are: David Weinberger’s keynote Lightning Talks The Future of Libraries is IT Academic Libraries’ Strategic Planning in the 21st Century: The Role of IT The day started with the main reason I wanted to attend this year’s LITA:... more


Lots of stuff for day 2 of lita. I would be remiss if I did not mention the spectacular views that I saw during an early morning run 🙂 After the run, we started the day with David Weinberger who likes to talk about *my* favorite topic. Both Lauren and Susan have talked about David’s... more

A Day and A Half into LITA National Forum 2009

David Weinberger Delivering Saturday’s Keynote Address I learned very quickly yesterday that being a member of a conference planning committee means you are kept busy all day long and into the evening. I had volunteered to record all three keynote addresses, so I worked with Jason Griffrey, who handled the audio portion, to get my... more

Thoughts from day 1 of LITA

I flew in early Friday morning and just made it in time for the opening Keynote. Both Susan and Lauren have talked about this presentation already but I was struck with the statistics she presented from some Pew Internet Trust research. I have to admit that while I agree with the premise that libraries should... more

Lauren’s first day at LITA

Susan did a great job of writing up yesterday! After touching down, and getting acquainted with the area, I was able to do a little work on my presentation and finished it up this morning. When I felt I had a good handle on the material, I went downstairs to the Keynote and found Susan... more

Susan at LITA National Forum, SLC

This year I am a member of the LITA National Forum Planning Committee which is taking place this weekend in Salt Lake City, Utah. Lauren (who is presenting later today) and I traveled yesterday from Raleigh (go for those cheap airline fares). We were surprised when Steve Kelley showed up on our flight. He was... more

ASERL E-book Demonstration Day

On Wednesday, Sept. 23, I attended “E-book Demonstration Day,” an ASERL-sponsored web conference in which five different e-book vendors demonstrated their products and pricing models. ASERL is considering negotiating a deal (or deals) for members to get discounts for e-books, and held this Demonstration Day so that we could become more acquainted with the market.... more