During March 2017

Inside ZSR

Carolyn, Meghan, and Steve at LAUNC-CH

On Monday, March 13th, Carolyn, Meghan and Steve drove to Chapel Hill to attend the one-day LAUNC-CH Conference. Steve was able to borrow the good car from Mimi, so they rode in relative comfort. The theme of the 2017 conference was “Human Centered Libraries: Crafting Value and Relevance,” and most of the presentations hewed pretty... more

Rebecca at SNCA 2017

Last week I traveled to Asheville for the Society of North Carolina Archivists Annual Conference held at UNC Asheville. I know you have all heard from Stephanie and Craig about their whirlwind day, so I will try to fill out the rest of the conference for you. I started my conference with a pre-conference workshop... more

Society of North Carolina Archivists Conference- Asheville

On Thursday, March 16, 2017, I had the good fortune to travel with colleagues Stephanie Bennett and Karen Feeney (WSFCPL) to Asheville for the SNCA Annual Conference. Karen was kind enough to drive us over to UNC-Asheville and back. The plenary speaker was Dr. Darin Waters, a professor at UNC-A, who spoke on the importance... more

A Whirlwind Day at SNCA 2017

This past week, I took a road trip with your pal and mine, Craig Fansler, and Karen Feeney, a special collections librarian with Forsyth County Public Libraries, up to UNC Asheville to spend a day at the Society of NC Archivists annual meeting. The meeting spanned from Wednesday to Friday, but Karen, Craig, and I... more

ZSR Bootcamp: New Student Assistant Orientation & Training

Academic libraries across the country rely heavily on a student workforce to help maintain crucial library functions and provide essential services to the University community. According to the Academic Libraries National Center for Education Statistics 2012 report student employees account for approximately 31 percent of full time equivalent hours in all U.S. academic libraries. Here... more

Leslie at MLA 2017

It’s been clear for some time now that the Music Library Association has outgrown the traditional members-take-turns-hosting-the-annual-meeting system; so this year, for the first time, we engaged an event-planning firm, who seems to have taken their cue from ALA, because we fetched up in Orlando. Besides the balmy temps, there was a second good reason... more