By Stephanie Bennett

Inside ZSR

“Managing to Change the World” training

Although it has been a while since I attended a two-day training from The Management Center (TMC), entitled “Managing to Change the World” (cough it was in 2023 cough), I did want to share about it. I hadn’t heard of TMC before a friend recommended it, but they are a Black-run, multicultural company focused on... more

Archives and Climate Change course “at” Cal RBS

In early August, I spent a week as part of California Rare Book School’s course on Archives and Climate Change. The course was held virtually, on East coast time, with a break for lunch. I’ve never attended traditional rare book school, in California or elsewhere, so I don’t have a comparison, but I found the... more

Stephanie at NCLA 2019

My first NCLA was a couple of very fun days! I was glad to not have the stress of presenting, so I could focus on the wide array of available sessions and making friends across discipline. Having mostly attended archives conferences, I enjoyed the opportunity to cross paths with a group of library workers from... more

Stephanie at SAA 2018

I know y’all are ready for another SAA roundup!!! SAA in DC always has a lot of energy around it and people at it, due at least in part to it being a joint meeting with the Council of State Archivists (COSA) and the National Association of Government Archives and Records Administrators (NAGARA). This year... more

Stephanie at SNCA 2018

It was a whirlwind Society of NC Archivists meeting for me this year due to my responsibilities as Education Committee chair. In addition to organizing three workshops for SNCA’s traditional pre-conference workshop day and presenting one of our Education awards, I was also a member of the conference program committee. SNCA Education offered three workshops... more

SB at SAA 2017

The Society of American Archivists’ annual meeting has come and gone! This year’s meeting was different from past meetings: it was held in a mid-tier market, Portland, Oregon, as opposed to a huge one (last year was Atlanta, next year is DC); it was also the second-largest meeting in SAA history, with a bit over... more

A Whirlwind Day at SNCA 2017

This past week, I took a road trip with your pal and mine, Craig Fansler, and Karen Feeney, a special collections librarian with Forsyth County Public Libraries, up to UNC Asheville to spend a day at the Society of NC Archivists annual meeting. The meeting spanned from Wednesday to Friday, but Karen, Craig, and I... more

Conferencing under the stars: NCPH’s CampingCon

I recently spent a long weekend, October 7-9, at a National Council on Public History conference in Great Smoky Mountains National Park. It was a conference focused on public history in the outdoors, in honor of the National Parks centennial, aimed at discussing “issues related to historic and contemporary public history as it took/takes place... more

SAA 2016, finally

I had an unusually busy Society of American Archivists meeting in Atlanta earlier this month, and I will blame the delay in writing this on all the other writing I’ve been doing after the meeting to advertise and inform fellow archivists about the meeting’s work. My whirlwind week went Monday through Saturday and included: Attending... more

Stephanie at the Midwest Archives Conference 2016

My time in Milwaukee for the Midwest Archives Conference was not quite as jam-packed as Tanya’s but I made the most of the trip! I was a member of a panel entitled “The Perfect Is the Enemy of the Good: Creative Solutions and Common Sense Approaches to Archival Problems.” My fellow presenters and I gave... more