By Joy Gambill

Inside ZSR

LOEX 2015, April 30-May 2 in Denver, CO

Last week, Amanda Foster and I had the privilege of attending LOEX 2015 which was held this year in Denver, Colorado. This year, 390 instruction librarians from the United States, Canada, and Norway (yes, two librarians from Norway!) gathered to exchange ideas, commiserate, and re-energize. Our common bond was library instruction. As with past LOEX... more

NC-BIG Camp @ UNC-G 2014

NC-BIG Camp had the coolest name tags ever! Designed by Kyle and printed by Craig Fansler. On Friday, May 30 Hu, Amanda, Kyle, and Joy traveled to UNC-Greensboro to attend the second annual meeting of NC-BIG. NC-BIG is sponsored by the Bibliographic Instruction section of the North Carolina Library Association. Kyle was on the steering... more

NC-LITe at UNC-Charlotte May 2014

On Wednesday, May 28, Joy, Amanda, Kyle, and Kaeley traveled to UNC-Charlotte’s Atkins Library to attend the biannual meeting of NC-LITe. In order to keep from repeating ourselves, this post is combined into one. For those of you who need a refresher on the NC-LITe, this is a biannual “unconference” that brings together college librarians... more

Joy at LOEX 2014 in Grand Rapids, Michigan

As Amanda said in her blog, LOEX was a wonderful experience this year! It is always energizing to be surrounded by instruction librarians, but it was twice as fun this year because Amanda was with me. This year’s LOEX Conference was held in Grand Rapids, Michigan at the Amway Grand Plaza Hotel. What a great... more

LOEX 2013 – Nashville, TN, May 2-4

There is so much to say in this post and I’m certain that most people who open this link will only read this first paragraph, so I’ll just start with the punch line: LOEX was awesome!! I am so grateful for the opportunity to spend three invigorating days surrounded by instruction librarians and immersed in... more

NC-LITe and WFU Summon Usability Study Findings Presented at Appalachian State University

On Monday, May 21, Hu Womack, Kevin Gilbertson, Lauren Pressley, and I drove to the High Country of Boone to attend NC-LITe. It was doubly wonderful for me because I had the opportunity to travel with three amazing colleagues to one of my favorite places on earth. It seems hard to take in that it... more

North Carolina Summon User Group Meeting

On Friday, May 18, Lauren Pressley and I went to Perkins Library at Duke University to attend the inaugural meeting of the North Carolina Summon User Group. My last visit to Perkins Library was 20 years ago, so just getting to visit their beautiful facility and amazing coffee shop was a treat in itself! I... more

NCLA Bibliographic Instruction Group: Teacher Librarian Academy

Today, I had the opportunity to travel to Jackson Library at UNC-Greensboro to attend a NCLA Bibliographic Instruction workshop titled, “Student Engagement and Active Learning.” The presenters were Jenny Dale and Amy Harris, both UNC-G librarians. Jenny kicked off the day with introductions and a think-pair-share exercise asking, “What make a good presenter?” The librarians... more

Rethinking Reference Collections

Today, I completed a four week online course title “Rethinking Reference Collections” which was offered by Infopeople and was taught by Dave Tyckoson, Associate Dean of the Library at the University of California, Fresno. Dave spent many years as a reference librarian and is still a reference librarian at heart! One of my new job... more

Elon Teaching and Learning Conference, August 18, 2011

Yesterday, Lauren Pressley and I journeyed to Elon University to attend their 8th Annual Teaching and Learning Conference. It was well worth attending for many different reasons including the opportunity to meet colleagues from across the state. I ate lunch with Elon’s instruction librarian, Randall Bowman, along with a couple of other Elon faculty members.... more