The OCLC Resources Sharing Conference 2018 “Bridging Communities” It is pretty safe to say this was the largest stand alone interlibrary loan (aka resources sharing) conference ever held. I know because I have been to many. Up to now, the only yearly, national conference we had focused on one software package (ILLiad) used to manage... more ›
ALA Mid-Winter 2017, a conference of discovery. Three days in which our hero finds his pack and by extension finds himself (in a bar that stocks 60 different whiskeys). When I say ‘find my pack’, I don’t mean figuring out who they are, but actually WHERE they are. I’m a member of ALA’s RUSA and... more ›
I know what you are thinking, ‘what do gambling chips have to do with interlibrary loan software?’ Short answer: nothing. Long answer: everything. I’ll let Tara explain.* My first experience at an ILLiad conference was excellent. Tuesday, Atlas Systems hosted a Social –Casino Night that gave me the opportunity to meet and socialize with over... more ›
Just to review, ILLiad is the software we use to manage interlibrary loan and ZSR Delivers requests. Thankfully no speeding ticket this year. It was a cold, rainy trip to Virginia Beach and I opted to listen to a Scandinavian murder mystery, instead rockin’ out. (spoiler…the lady lawyer did it.) I went to several informative... more ›
My 9th OCLC ILLiad conference got off to a rough start. On my way to Virginia Beach I got a speeding ticket – 76 in a 60 zone. I was NOT running late or in a hurry. I was just in the groove – new Richard Thompson on the stereo, sun roof open, southeastern Virginia... more ›