By Rebecca Petersen May

Inside ZSR

Rebecca at MARAC

I traveled to Cape May, New Jersey for theMARAC (Mid-Atlantic Regional Archives Conference). Why am I at aMid-Atlantic Conference when Wake Forest is clearly not Mid-Atlantic you ask? Besides being a great regional association that is bigger than SNCA and smaller than SAA, I specifically wanted to come to the Omeka workshop that they were... more

Rebecca at SNCA 2012

Last week, Vicki, Craig, and I traveled to Greensboro for the Society of North Carolina Archivists (SNCA) Annual Conference. UNCG hosted both days of the conference and it was a great opportunity to spend time with and learn from colleagues from all over the state. Thursday’s lunch-time plenary speaker was Kate Theimer,author andblogger. Kate is... more

Intro to Digital Preservation #1 — Steps to Identify and Select Content

Today, Vicki, Patty, Mary Beth, Steve, Susan, Rebecca, and Molly sat in on the ASERL webinar Intro to Digital Preservation #1–Steps to Identify and Select Content, facilitated by Jody DeRidder, Head of Digital Services, University of Alabama Libraries. John Burger of ASERL said that more than 150 people were registered to listen in on this... more

Tour of Reynolda House Archives

This morning, Craig, Vicki, Megan, and Rebecca visited Todd Crumley, Archivist at Reynolda House, for a tour of their facility. We stayed out of the historic home and spent our time on the new wing, where they moved the library and archive in 2005. Todd showed us the library, which is primarily made up of... more

Digitizing Hidden Collections: Success Stories from Small and Medium-sized Digitization projects

Today, Vicki, Craig, and I sat in on an ALA Office of Information Technology Policy (OITP) webinar on the topic of digitizing hidden collections. Each of the four presenters discussedinteresting and uniquedigitization projects. Erin Kinney, the Digital Initiatives Librarian at Wyoming State Library, spoke about the Wyoming Newspaper Project. Besides having a great logo, the... more

SAA’s Sweet Home, Chicago!

Last week, I had another wonderful opportunity for professional development by attending the SAA Archives 360 Conference in Chicago. I learned quite a bit and met some wonderful archivists doing amazing projects. I will try to summarize my experiences each day with highlights but I am happy to talk about my experience with anyone who... more

New Faculty Orientation

Last week, I had the great opportunity to attend the New Faculty Orientation. Echoing some of Molly Keener’s thoughts from her post on the same topic last year, I did feel a little strange attending a “new” person orientation but I could not have been more wrong and I am so pleased that I attended.... more

Achieving Your Leadership Potential

This week, I attended the PDC class “Achieving Your Leadership Potential: Developing Extraordinary Leaders.” Meeting one hour each morning for four consecutive days, I found the class to be a valuable learning experience. The group of people I was seated with come from all across campus and have very different jobs than me. Human Resources,... more

“Archon…making it work for you”

Yesterday I had the pleasure of taking the shuttle to the Carpenter Library to watch a SAA webinar “Archon…making it work for you”. Dianne Johnson, Archivist at the Dorothy Carpenter Medical Archives, registered for the event and invited our department to listen in. I must say, I was very impressed with Archon and am excited... more