By Susan Smith

Inside ZSR

Susan’s ALA Sunday

ZSR Conference Gang Yesterday, I started out bright and early at the Alexander Street Press breakfast. Lauren had told me they typically have a dynamic speaker, and this year was no different. The subject focus was the Pentagon Papers, with a performance by actors from LA Theatre Works of a scene from Top Secret: The... more

Susan’s ALA Saturday

I had a full conference packed day yesterday, attending programs and my committee meeting, touring the exhibit hall and finishing the day at a dinner party hosted by Lexis-Nexis, relating to the Innovation award. As Lynn said, there are so many programs to choose from on Saturday that I lined up 3 in each time... more

Friday at ALA: Gearing Up

I learned that Friday at ALA Annual is a day where a bit is going on, but unless you have paid to attend a preconference or your committee is meeting, there is little “official” to attend. So I tried to combine a little productivity with experiencing the conference by setting up in the Convention Center... more

Susan At ALA Anaheim

Anaheim Convention Center It was a long day for me, as I’m sure is the case with all of the ZSR’ers who traveled all the way to Anaheim, CA for the 2008 Annual ALA Conference. Luckily, I took an early flight that was almost enjoyable: on time, no luggage charges, breakfast served, *early* arrival! I... more

Susan at Lilly South Conference

Lilly Conferences on College and University Teaching have been in existence for 28 years, but you may not be familiar with them as they are teachers’ conferences. This year, Lilly South was held in nearby Greensboro, so Lynn and I submitted a proposal for a presentation on our South trip, to discuss the value of... more

Susan’s Sunday in Philadelphia, Continued

Mosaic Stairway in the Magic Gardens It was cold but sunny in Philadelphia this afternoon, so I took a few hours to tour part of the city by foot. My direction was partially dictated by the fact I left my VISA in Bookbinders two evenings ago, so I needed to retrieve. But, I particularly wanted... more

Susan’s Sunday in Philadelphia

Top Technology Trends I started off the day bright and early, attending the Top Technology Trends committee meeting. It was different than the one I went to a year earlier. Since it is Midwinter, it was more informal, with the technology gurus seated around a table having an informal discussion about technology trends. Those of... more

Library 2.0 Publication Podcast Interview

Library 2.0 Publication Podcast Interview This morning I had a new conference experience. Most of you know that Erik, Caroline and I recently authored a chapter in the new ACRL book “Library 2.0: Initiatives in Academic Libraries.” The publisher invited authors who planned to attend ALA Midwinter to be interviewed about our projects on a... more

Susan Arrives for ALA Midwinter 2008

Bookbinders Restaurant This year, ALA Midwinter is being held in Philadelphia. I arrived late this afternoon by car (because a family obligation found me in the DC area the past few days). I’m rooming with Mary Horton at the downtown Marriott, which connects to the Convention Center. Mary arrived yesterday and had meetings to attend... more

Sunday: Poster Session, Concurrent Session and Final Speech

Today the conference went until noon but you could see that many people had already headed for the airport. However, there was still a good deal of information conveyed to those of us who stuck it out (also door prizes at the final general session, must be present to win – no, I didn’t….) Things... more