By Tim Pyatt

Inside ZSR

Trip to the Davidson College Library

Over the last year, I have been trying to visit private, collegiate and small university libraries to assess trends and get design ideas. I documented my visit to our doppelgänger library at Bucknell last January and in September I visited the Belk Library at Elon University. Last Friday I visited E.H. Little Library at Davidson... more

SAA in HOTlanta!

The meeting of the Society of American Archivists in Atlanta marked the end of my three year term on SAA Council, the society’s governing body. It was also fitting that I celebrated my one year anniversary while at SAA. I first learned about the ZSR dean opening at the November 2014 Council meeting when Tanya... more

My trip to ALADN

Last week Stephen Edwards and I attended the annual ALADN Conference in Boston. ALADN stands for Academic Library Advancement and Development Network and it was the first time either of us have attended one of their meetings. The primary audience is library development and communication staff, but many deans and library leaders attend as well.... more

My Visit to ZSR North

On January 7th, I took a break from working on my house in PA to make a field trip to Bucknell University. Bucknell is located in Lewisburg, PA, only 51 miles from from my house in Boalsburg. So why visit Bucknell? Much of the Bucknell campus was designed by Jens Frederick Larson in 1930s, who... more

ZSR on the Cover of Archival Outlook

Congrats to ZSR Special Collections and Archives for making the cover of Archival Outlook, the newsletter for the Society of American Archivists! See: The image is from our Guiseppe De Santis Papers and pertains to an article by Craig Fansler on these papers and Italian neorealist film (p. 4-5, 23). Also, on page 24... more

CNI Fall Membership meeting

Thomas Dowling and I attended the fall meeting of the Coalition for Networked Information December 14-15 in Washington, DC. Wake Forest is a member and the CIO (Mur Muchane) and I are the representatives for the University. Mur was unable to attend, so Thomas went in his place. CNI meets twice a year and its... more

Tweeting NCLA

Last month I attended my first NCLA. While I had previously worked in NC libraries for 16 years and been a past president of the Society of NC Archivists, I had never taken advantage of this great networking opportunity before. In Greensboro I reconnected with old colleagues (including one from Penn State), saw one of... more