By Tanya Zanish-Belcher

Inside ZSR

Midwest Archives Conference Annual meeting–Lexington, KY–Tanya

I had a wonderful time at the most recent MAC meeting—there was learning, sharing information, and hearing horror stories. I was able to attend the Society of American Archivists workshop: Accessioning and Ingest of Electronic Records. The workshop was excellent, and included discussion of how to combine the practice of archival appraisal with accepting and... more

ALABI–Nashville, Tennessee by Tanya

I recently attended the Association of Librarians and Archivists at Baptist Institutions (ALABI) in Nashville, Tennessee. It was a great experience, and I had the opportunity to meet new people, learn about projects at other repositories, and even see a bit of Nashville. For me, the professional highlights were sharing the plans for our Baptist... more

CurateGear 2015 by Tanya

Rebecca and I again had the opportunity to attend UNC’s CurateGear last week, and the presentations were excellent. CurateGear provides an overview and technical demos of selected digital curation tools, but this year seems to be focused on broader issues and I found it much more useful. Erika Farr reported on Emory’s use of Redbooth... more

Tanya at the Society of American Archivists (SAA) Annual Meeting, 2014

I recently returned from the Society of American Archivists annual meeting in Washington, D.C.—it set a record for attendance, so was a bit crowded (I could barely find Craig’s poster display). It was a very busy week! I am in the middle of my second year of service as an SAA Council member, and was... more

2014 Archives Leadership Institute (Decorah, Iowa) by Tanya

I recently attended the second iteration of the Archives Leadership Institute (ALI), hosted by Luther College and located in Decorah, Iowa (I participated in the 2008 ALI held in Madison, WI). Funded by the National Historical Publications & Records Commission (NHPRC), the goal for the Institute is to “bring to tomorrow’s leaders the insights and... more

SNCA Meeting, Raleigh (NC) by Tanya

While I had some challenges making it to the SNCA meeting on April 8 (a sprained ankle necessitated some crutches), the opportunity for networking and hearing about all the ongoing archives projects in NC, was well worth the trip! I moderated a session focusing on the Digital Public Library (including Chelcie) and was interested to... more

CurateGear 2014 by Tanya

I was happy to have the opportunity to attend the most recent CurateGear 2014 (hosted by the University of North Carolina in Chapel Hill). Held for the third year, this one-day event offers the opportunity to hear from a variety of technical gurus and to also participate in demos of various products. The majority of... more

Tanya–Tri-State Archivists Meeting (Greenville, SC)

I was able to sit in on one day of the Tri-State Archivists 2013 (Society of Georgia Archivists, Society of North Carolina Archivists, Society of South Carolina Archivists) joint meeting at Furman University, Greenville, SC. While my time was short, the quality of the presentations definitely made the trip worth it. The opening plenary was... more

Tanya at the Society of American Archivists (SAA) annual meeting in New Orleans, LA

I don’t know how I can possibly describe my 9 days in New Orleans, but I will certainly do my best! I recently attended the annual meeting of the Society of American Archivists (SAA), held in New Orleans, in addition to other events tacked on at the beginning and the end of my travels. First... more

Archives Leadership Institute 2013 (Decorah, Iowa)

All, I apologize for the length of this posting, but really didn’t want to split it up! Five years ago, I had the tremendous opportunity to participate in the very first Archives Leadership Institute (ALI), hosted by the University of Wisconsin-Madison. Funded by the National Historical Publications & Records Commission (NHPRC), the goal for the... more