Professional Development

Conference reports and more from ZSR Librarians

Social Media Archiving Workshop at Duke

As a member of the ZSR Web Archiving Team (along with Stephanie Bennett, Rebecca May and Kevin Gilbertson), I was interested to attend the workshop offered by SNCA (Society of North Carolina Archivists) at Duke University last week. Our group has been able to capture much of the content we want under the and... more

Kevin at Designing for Digital 2018

In early March, I attended my first Designing for Digital conference—online. Established in 2015 as an extension of the ER&L conference, Designing for Digital focuses on user experience, design and discovery, and usability in libraries. And I have to say, my (user) experience of the conference was great. Much of my enjoyment was in the... more

Alice at ER&L 2018

Going to Austin for the Electronic Resources and Libraries conference was a great way to remember what temperatures above 50 feel like. I could go on about the weather but that might imply that I didn’t attend any sessions. Luring me inside were the snacks and drinks strategically placed in front of the session rooms.... more

Meghan at The Collective

This March I attended The Collective 2018 gathering in Knoxville, TN. This is the 4th annual Collective gathering, a relatively new non-profit professional organization that aims to “disrupt, reinvent, and redefine” the professional library conference through a model of active learning, collaboration, and practitioner-focused content. The theme for this year’s meeting was “The Library as Test... more

Creating Archival Enclosures with a Sewing Machine

In October, 2017, I toured the Conservation Lab at the University of Washington, Seattle. During this tour, I saw how they used a sewing machine to encapsulate documents and photographs. (I wrote about my tour of the lab in my post about the Guild of Book Workers Seminar in October, 2017)). I asked a number... more

Hu at FYE 2018

While there have been 37 First-Year Experience Conferences, this is only my fourth. My first FYE conference was in 2008, and I try to attend this annual conference as often as possible! The focus on first-year students draws together faculty and staff from across the academy. While it’s great to hear presentations on library-related topics... more

Susan @ ALA Midwinter in Denver

A view of the Rockies in the distance, with the Colorado Conference Center in the front left of the picture As usual, a large portion of my ALA conference experience is involved with LITA (Library Information and Technology Association). I am in the last 6 months of a 3 year elected term as Director-at-Large and... more

MBL@ALAMW18in Denver

ALA Midwinter 18 in Denver commenced just as a debilitating snowstorm was moving across the northern tier of states. While the storm didn’t impact our travel, (I was travelling with Susan and our path took us from GSO to Charlotte to Denver) it did have a significant impact to how I spent my time this... more

Joy attends WISE Conference 2018

On Thursday, February 8, it was my privilege to attend Global Wake Forest’s 10th Annual WISE Conference held at the Marriott Hotel in downtown Winston Salem. There were 275 attendees from 26 states and 6 countries. The purpose of this conference was to help faculty leaders, program coordinators, and administrators develop the knowledge and skills... more

Leslie at MLA 2018

This year’s meeting of  the Music Library Association was held in Portland, Oregon. A very busy conference for me, between session attendance and committee duties. Cataloging The Music OCLC Users Group (MOUG), which holds its annual meeting as a pre-conference to MLA, celebrated its 40th anniversary this year. We received updates on cataloging standards and... more