The Communications Committee (CommComm) would like to remind you of who we are, what we do, and most importantly how we can help you communicate to your intended audience. Communication is more important than ever during these times. We are committed to providing our resources and assistance to anyone who might need it. Communications Committee... more ›
As a 2022-23 Medical Library Association (MLA) Research Training Institute (RTI) Fellow, I had the opportunity to present at this year’s MLA / SLA Hybrid conference in Detroit, MI from May 16 – 19. This opportunity was special for a number of reasons. The Research Training Institute First, my poster and presentation at this conference... more ›
The Spring meeting of the Association of Southeastern Research Libraries (ASERL) was held at the Georgia Tech Conference Center April 25-26. After six years on the ASERL Board of Directors, I rotated off the Board after serving terms as member-at-large, secretary/treasurer, and president. Evidently I am the only member ever to hold all three elected... more ›
The ZSR Recognitions: Thank a Colleague! program provides an opportunity for employees to submit a note of thanks to their colleagues. These can be for going above and beyond, helping a job get done, general appreciation, or any reason thanks can be given! Here are those who’ve been recognized in the past month. Beth Tedford... more ›
On Friday, April 14, Salem Academy and College hosted the 2nd Annual Health Leadership Forum in their historic Hanes Auditorium. Dr. Summer McGee, president of the college, kicked off the morning by declaring Salem as not only a liberal arts college, but also one with a particular focus on health leadership. Having transformed courses and... more ›
The Association of College and Research Libraries biennial conference was held in Pittsburgh from March 15-18, and six librarians from ZSR attended. The core purpose of ACRL is to lead academic and research librarians and libraries in advancing learning and transforming scholarship. The theme of the conference was “Forging the Future.” There were 2100 attendees... more ›
The National Library of Medicine held its annual Virtual Symposium on Health Misinformation from April 4 – 6. As the conference title implies, presenters consistently shared and demonstrated the history, nature, and components of mis- and disinformation (coined “mis/dis” throughout the conference) as well as instruction methods to support patrons in de- and prebunking health... more ›
The ZSR Recognitions: Thank a Colleague! program provides an opportunity for employees to submit a note of thanks to their colleagues. These can be for going above and beyond, helping a job get done, general appreciation, or any reason thanks can be given! Here are those who’ve been recognized in the past month. Carol Cramer... more ›
Thomas at the AWS Carolinas Library Summit On March 23, 2023, I attended a meeting held at the Atkins Library, UNCC, hosted by Amazon Web Services. AWS has been making a conscious push into higher ed in the last few years, and they wanted to showcase a couple of library-oriented projects in the region and... more ›
Last week, five of us attended “At This Place: History: Race and a Way Forward, Universities Studying Slavery Spring Conference” at UNC Chapel Hill. See the blog posts below. Tanya Zanish-Belcher: I always learn something new whenever I attend the Universities Studying Slavery conference and would highly recommend it to anyone interested in the continual... more ›