Inside ZSR

Tim at the Spring 2022 ASERL Membership Meeting

For the first time since October 2019, the Association of Southeastern Research Libraries (ASERL) met in person on the campus of Georgia Tech in midtown Atlanta. We worried about attendance, but 31 of our 38 member libraries were present. This meeting also marked my last as president and I was grateful that we finally could... more

Bookbinding Fundamentals Workshop

Four Tuesday nights in February, I spent a couple of hours in an online workshop called, Binding Fundamentals, taught by Karen Hanmer. I’d met Karen at Guild of Book Workers Seminars and knew of her work and teaching. She is an excellent teacher and has a great set up for online teaching. A week before... more

Alice at NISO Plus 2022

I experienced many firsts attending this year’s NISO Plus conference; it was my first time attending the NISO Plus conference, it was my first virtual conference, it was my first global conference, and it was the first time I attended a conference as part of a cohort. NISO (the National Information Standards Organization) develops information... more

scite Trial 411

The scite trial will start today and run through Wednesday, May 11th. You can use scite search and report features without creating an account and logging in. However, to create a custom dashboard, create a notification, save a search, or utilize the reference check features, an account will be needed. NOTE: Access to scite is... more

Morgan & Summer @ USASBE 2022

Summer – Boardgames, Data, and more! This January, Morgan and I went to NC State’s campus to attend the United States Association for Small Business & Entrepreneurship (USASBE) Conference. We both experienced NC State’s campus for the first time and were even able to meet up with our fellow BLINC member from NC State, in-person,... more

Molly at Charleston 2021

Early November once again found me in Charleston, SC for the annual Charleston Conference. This was the last conference I attended before the pandemic hit, so it is fitting that it is the first in-person conference to return. As others have noted, this year’s conference was hybrid, replete with the hiccups and headaches of virtual... more

Carol at Charleston 2021

Ah the joys and pains of a hybrid conference. Accentuating the positive, I got to hear a librarian live from Lesotho(!) describe digitization efforts for African materials. And in some rooms, every seat was an aisle seat. I’ll focus my report on two programs: “Looking for Trouble: Seeking out, Resolving, and Preventing E-resource Link Issues”... more

Summer at Charleston 2021!

This was my first year ever attending the Charleston Conference, as well as my first time in Charleston! I have to say that though the hybrid experience was strange, I appreciate the efforts of the Charleston Conference planning committee to provide both in-person and online options. It was reassuring when grabbing my conference badge that... more

Morgan at Charleston 2021

This was my first year attending Charleston Conference, a conference I’ve heard a lot about and was eager to experience. Part of me wishes I had had the opportunity to attend this hybrid conference pre-pandemic when it was a fully in-person experience. I overheard numerous attendees longing for the “old days” but, without anything to... more

SEDLS, DLF, and DigiPres 2021

Southeast Data Librarian Symposium and DLF/DigiPres Conferences I had the opportunity to serve on two conference committees this year, which made for a busy fall! The Southeast Data Librarian Symposium (SEDLS) took place Wednesday, October 13-Friday, October 15; the Digital Library Federation and NDSA Digital Preservation combined sessions took place November 1-4. SEDLS is a... more