For the month of October, I attended two conferences: the Smithsonian Digitization Conference and the NCLA Conference. 2019 Smithsonian Digitization Conference This event was held earlier in the month from October 1-3 in Washington, DC. The conference theme was “Engagement”. This reflected the Smithsonian’s new five-year strategic plan (Smithsonian 2022: Greater Reach, Greater Relevance, Profound... more ›
My NCLA experience started off on a high note, attending the Diversity Delineated, Inclusion Integrated session with Molly Keener, Chris Burris, Monesha Staton-Fluker. Their very informative presentation on the history and development of our Diversity and Inclusion Committee (now Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Committee) was a trip down memory lane, as well as serving as... more ›
We’re making a push to finish up one of our first big tasks in the Alma migration. Our integrations spreadsheet is due in to Ex Libris this week, and I wanted to thank the many people who have contributed to filling it in. This is essentially a complicated menu of features involving Alma’s communication with... more ›
Although it was the North Carolina Library Association (NCLA) 63rd Biennial Conference, it was my first time attending. Since NCLA was held here in Winston-Salem, I made sure that I started the conference during the pre-conference sessions on Tuesday and endured till the end at the closing keynote on Friday. Jam packed full of a... more ›
Last week, I attended the 63rd Biennial Conference for the North Carolina Library Association here in Winston-Salem, and it was an excellent conference as always. A prime highlight was the privilege to give a presentation on our library’s Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Committee with Molly Keener and Monesha Staton-Fluker. Being one of the first sessions... more ›
I was invited to attend Bloom Innovative Solutions for Inclusion by the Wake Forest’s Office of Diversity and Inclusion. It was a one-day seminar held in Greensboro on Thursday, October 3 and hosted by Social Designs Consulting. The seminar took a broad-based approach to issues of equity, diversity, and inclusion in a variety of industries. ... more ›
Of the things I’ve always wanted to do, but never had the opportunity, attending a professional conference has always been high on my list. I figured I’d give NCLA a try since it was in Winston-Salem and I’d been encouraged to submit a poster with Ashelee from Special Collections and Archives. There weren’t so many... more ›
This was my third NCLA conference and I really enjoyed the sessions I attended. I started the conference with a session lead by Chris, Monesha, and Molly. Called Diversity Delineated, Inclusion Integrated, it got off to an energetic start with the music video by Aerosmith and Run DMC of Walk this Way. A nice introduction... more ›
After a few days in Tampa, FL, for the DLF/DigiPres19 conference, I was convinced all conferences should be at the coast in October. (Well, at least until tropical storm Nestor chased us away!) DLF and DigiPres are two collocated events in the same week, and registrants can choose to attend either or both events. DigiPres... more ›
My first NCLA was a couple of very fun days! I was glad to not have the stress of presenting, so I could focus on the wide array of available sessions and making friends across discipline. Having mostly attended archives conferences, I enjoyed the opportunity to cross paths with a group of library workers from... more ›