I will confess that the Spring Spring STEM-LINC Workshop last Friday brought out my inner child. It was held in Raleigh, North Carolina at the NC Museum of Natural Sciences. The museum has two separate buildings connected by a walk-way on separate floors. We spent the majority of the morning in the Nature Research Center... more ›
From April 10-13, I attended the ACRL 2019 Conference in Cleveland, Ohio. This was my first time attending the conference and visiting Cleveland. Back in December, I was awarded one of ACRL’s Mid-Career Scholarships to attend the biennial event. This covered registration and hotel costs. For travel, I had the pleasure of carpooling with Mary-Beth,... more ›
In April, I attended the annual meeting of the Academic Business Library Directors (ABLD), which was hosted by Harvard Business School’s Baker Library. Our group met on the HBS campus, which is located in Boston, across the Charles River from Harvard’s main campus in Cambridge. ABLD is a small group (currently 42 members) of librarians... more ›
Several weeks ago, I had the honor of being invited to speak as a Visiting Scholar for the University of Nebraska Libraries in Lincoln, Nebraska. In addition to speaking about academic freedom and the connection with archives, I also participated in a roundtable discussion relating to university yearbooks. We discussed how access to offensive images... more ›
I attended the Scholarly Communication Symposium at UNC Greensboro on April 15 and the Symposium on Information for Social Good at UNC Chapel Hill School of Information & Library Science on April 26. The two events were quite different in content and structure, and the contrast provided some food for thought about the elements that... more ›
It was great to be back at an ACRL Conference after an 8 year hiatus. I repeatedly wondered why I let myself miss the past three conferences as I reconnected with colleagues and friends from elsewhere, attended thought-provoking sessions, and enjoyed exploring a new-to-me city. The energy and excitement of a *big* conference are rejuvenating... more ›
I attended UNCG’s Scholarly Communication Symposium in Greensboro on Monday April 15, and I have to say, for a Monday Symposium, it could not have kicked off the week better if it had tried. This years symposium focused on infrastructure in digital scholarship projects, from the organizational to technological. Dr. David Eltis, professor Emeritus at... more ›
Wow! ACRL was made-up of many firsts for me. It was my first time at ACRL, or any big conference for that matter, my first road trip longer than 4 hours (thank you to Meghan, Kathy & Molly for getting me to Cleveland safely) and my first time facilitating two roundtable discussions. Getting to be... more ›
ACRL is hands-down my favorite conference. The ideas that come out of this event, both through sessions and through discussions with other librarians and vendors, are so exciting and energizing, that even with a strained back that kept me away from some sessions, it was still an awesome few days. I will let others who... more ›
I liked the format of Amanda’s blog post on ACRL 2019 so much that I’m going to use it here! I’ve made it to four of the last five ACRL conference (I skipped Portland to attend the First-Year Experience Conference) and every year I bring back a list of ideas to try at ZSR! Sometimes... more ›