Spring had come to Athens when a few dozen intrepid business librarians convened for the first-ever Southern Academic Business Librarians Conference (SOUCABL, pronounced “sociable”) on the last weekend in March. SOUCABL was intended to be ‘an affordable opportunity for librarians to discuss business librarianship and to network with other librarians in the region,’ in my... more ›
This was my first ever ACRL, and it was one to remember. Mostly because it was also my first conference with a baby and three year old in tow, but also because I was a part of two presentations. More on that later. What I Learned I was really impressed by the quality of the... more ›
This year, the North Carolina Serials Conference was held on Monday, April 1 and without a practical joke to be found. What was there was a combination of practical experiences from concurrent sessions and the big picture concepts featured at both the opening and closing keynotes. Librarians, support staff, students, administrators, vendors, and publishers converged... more ›
On Monday, April 1st, Chris and I went to Chapel Hill for the 27th Annual North Carolina Serials Conference. I missed last year’s conference so it was good to make it to this one and catch up with friends and colleagues from the North Carolina serials community. A number of the sessions were interesting, but... more ›
Last Monday, April 1, found me experiencing something new! I attended the NC Serials Conference in Chapel Hill, where I gave the closing keynote. When invited last fall, my initial reaction was, “who me?!”, but with Chris Burris’s and Steve Kelley’s welcome encouragement, I accepted. It was fun, and challenging, to prep a talk that... more ›
We hit the road for Knoxville, TN to attend the 5th Annual Gathering of The Library Collective on March 6th-8th. The Library Collective is 501(c)(3) organization committed to professional development and innovation for library and information professionals, and their Annual Gatherings (conferences) are known for hands-on, skill-building sessions that promote collaboration and active learning. This... more ›
Last week I was in Wilmington for the annual Society of North Carolina Archivists conference. I started the conference off with a workshop focused on managing backlogs, “How to Tame Your Dragon: Learning to Befriend your Backlog through Efficient Processing”, with Kelly Spring from ECU. The workshop consisted of activities that were components of an... more ›
The Society of North Carolina Archivists held its annual meeting two weeks ago at the University of North Carolina-Wilmington campus. A ZSR contingent attended the meeting, where the overall theme was Interdisciplinary Archives and Interprofessional Collaboration. Their stories are below and a longer blog post from Ashelee is forthcoming! Heather @SNCA One of the best... more ›
This year’s meeting of the Music Library Association was held in St. Louis (where in mid-February the wind never stopped blowing!) DIVERSITY AND INCLUSION D & I was this year’s conference theme. While much of the programming replicated the work we’ve done here at Wake, two sessions yielded some fresh insights for me: In one,... more ›
On Monday, I went to the annual one day conference of the Librarians’ Association at UNC-Chapel Hill (or LAUNC-CH, pronounced “launch”). This is a reliably informative and inexpensive commuter conference in a pleasant facility. I generally recommend it. This year’s theme was “Library Spaces Reimagined,” and most of the presentations aligned with this general idea.... more ›