The iPad with 3G is an amazing productivity tool at a conference! Quick intros from Barry and JP were extremely helpful in getting me started — thanks, guys! The 3G was absolutely key, because wifi in the convention center was spotty and the added mobility created opportunities. For example, I showed info to a new... more ›
On November 13 I traveled to Cleveland, OH to attend a seminar on a batch marc editing tool called Marceditor. This was a unique and rare opportunity for me, as the creator of the software was coming to discuss the software. Upon arriving in Cleveland, I walked in to a packed room where they were... more ›
On Oct. 30, Leslie attended a webinar hosted by OCLC, detailing OCLC’s preparations for the soon-to-be-released new cataloging rules, RDA (Resource Description and Access), which will succeed AACR2 (Anglo-American Cataloguing Rules), the standard that has been in place for the last 30 or so years. A poll of webinar attendees, posing the question “How is... more ›
Redesigning Technical Services Workflows, Saturday morning, July 11, 2009: Here are some brief highlights — please feel free to chat with me if you want to know more. Please note that these speakers are both from much larger libraries than ZSR. Arlene Klair, Adaptive Cataloging & Database Mgmt Group Leader, University of Maryland Libraries Original... more ›
ALA Midwinter 2009, Denver,Lauren Corbett CONTENTS Committee work for Association of Library Collections and Technical Services (ALCTS) division of ALA : oContinuing Resources Section (CRS) oBudget & Finance Committee (B&F) oAcquisitions Section (AS) Time in the exhibits to meet with vendors, foreign in particular Forum on WorldCat Records Transfer Policy and Guidelines Fulfilling CRS and... more ›
Lauren Corbett and Carol Cramer Hot topics: Weeding due to lack of space not only in the stacks but also in the storage facility (multiple people) Library workers need to focus more on adding value and meeting users needs, not just storing content (see notes from Derek Law below) Redundancy in library collections is going... more ›
One session I attended had possible practical application for us and is summarized immediately below. Following that are summaries of my committee work, which formed the main focus of the Anaheim conference for me. “Institutional Repositories: New Roles for Acquisitions” This was a panel discussion on Monday, June 30, 1:30 pm – 3:30 pm, with... more ›