During October 2016

Inside ZSR

Welcome to Inside ZSR!

The ZSR Library’s Professional Development blog is now Inside ZSR. We’ve modified this blog to provide a space for posts that have a greater focus on internal news and stories, and enhance the design and organization of this existing channel. If you are a dedicated reader to this blog (or would like to become one),... more

Trip to the Davidson College Library

Over the last year, I have been trying to visit private, collegiate and small university libraries to assess trends and get design ideas. I documented my visit to our doppelgänger library at Bucknell last January and in September I visited the Belk Library at Elon University. Last Friday I visited E.H. Little Library at Davidson... more

NCLA Resources and Technical Services Section Fall Workshop 2016

Steve, Leslie, Monesha, and I attended NCLA RTSS’s Fall Workshop at North Carolina A&T State University in Greensboro on 10/7/16. The workshop was impressively well-attended by folks from throughout the state. By way of summing up, we wrote a paragraph or two each. Here they are, in alphabetical order by author (aka Jeff-first order): “Watch This! Including... more

Conferencing under the stars: NCPH’s CampingCon

I recently spent a long weekend, October 7-9, at a National Council on Public History conference in Great Smoky Mountains National Park. It was a conference focused on public history in the outdoors, in honor of the National Parks centennial, aimed at discussing “issues related to historic and contemporary public history as it took/takes place... more

Digital Directions in Denver

Late last month I attended the Digital Directions Conference in Denver, Colorado, from September 26-28. This is an annual conference that attracts professionals in the field of digitization and digital preservation. The conference caters more-so to organizations that are in the developing stages of their digitization operations. But there was also some in-depth content for... more

Sophie @ Brand New Conference

On September 15th and 16th, I attended the Brand New Conference in Nashville, Tennessee. This was a lecture style conference hosted at the Schermerhorn Symphony Center. The special topic of the conference was logo and the overall theme was brand identity. Speakers from a myriad of industries spoke, including: Mackey Saturday, responsible for Instagram, Oculus,... more