Here is a 1.5 page list of random items (in chronological order). I’m happy to talk in more detail with anyone who wants to know more about anything I learned (or pushed)! At the opening and closing sessions, officers of the ALA were introduced, including Wanda Brown as president-elect. Photos are courtesy of UNC-G classmate... more ›
Advocacy, metadata standards, and a tech services perspective on digital projects formed the cruces of my conference, but I gleaned a few Ex Libris updates too. Metadata, Standards, Digital Projects I participated with Erik Mitchell and Jenn Riley in a Metadata Standards presentation about using the Principles for Evaluating Metadata Standards developed by the ALCTS/LITA Metadata Standards Committee.... more ›
Between numerous required committee meetings on metadata and advocacy, I learned about Summon & Primo integration and discussed ebook record problems in several venues (exhibits, a session, a dinner, and a committee meeting). Discovery Tools from Ex Libris: Summon and Primo are gradually being integrated, which I likened to EBL and Ebrary integration. I sent... more ›
Productivity with vendors (book and ILS), committee obligations, and future of cataloging were the three main themes for me in Orlando. Meetings by chance also played a key role in making this an above average conference for me. I caught up with our Casalini sales rep on how to implement a more Gobi-like version of... more ›
Contents: Alma from Ex Libris, take care in using downloads as a measure part 2, EPUB 3, NISO ODI (do we need to tweak Summon?), DPLA working on e-books, the Charlotte Initiative, Overdrive, ORCID, and the rising cost of e-book short-term loans with a DDA program part 2 My focus was networking to hear nitty... more ›
It probably seemed like everyone was talking about linked data because that was the focus of most of the sessions I attended. One of the more interesting ones was the Library of Congress BIBFRAME Update Forum, because in addition to Sally McCallum and Beacher Wiggins of LC, they had speakers from Ex Libris, Innovative Interfaces,... more ›
My notes on: IPEDS, ebook STLs and video, our vendors, linked data, BIBFRAME, OCLC and, ALCTS/LITA Metadata Standards Committee, advocacy At the ARL Assessment Forum, there was much complaining over the contradiction in instructions with IPEDs collection counts and circulation. Susan and I had the luck of chatting in the hallway with Bob Dugan... more ›
Contents: 1. short tidbits (e.g. Alma from Ex Libris, “screen reading” effects, take care in using downloads as a measure, shared print storage) and 2. the rising cost of e-book short-term loans with a DDA program 1. the short bits Alma – was the commercial ILS that I heard mentioned repeatedly, often in the context... more ›
Three segments to my post: 1) Linked Data and Semantic Web, 2) Introverts at Work, and 3) Vendors and Books and Video — read just the part that interests you! 1. Linked Data and Semantic Web (or, Advances in Search and Discovery) Steve Kelley sparked my interest in the Semantic Web and Linked Data with... more ›
On Monday, August 5, Carol, Lauren C., Molly, and Sarah loaded up the ZSR Library van for a quick trip down to Atlanta for the Association of Southeastern Research Libraries (ASERL) Summertime Summit. The Tuesday six-hour Summit at Georgia Tech involved an opening keynote, a morning breakout session, an afternoon breakout session, and a closing... more ›