By Steve Kelley

Inside ZSR

Steve at ALA 2024 in San Diego

On Friday, June 28 I flew out to sunny (but blessedly cool) San Diego for the 2024 ALA Annual Conference. Only Mary Beth and I attended this year’s conference, which is quite the drop off from the dozen or so folks we used to send just 6 or 7 years ago. I was only able... more

Steve at 2023 Core Forum

The 2023 Core Forum was held from October 19 to 21 in New Orleans, a town that is always a delight to visit. The Core Division was formed by the merger of three ALA Divisions in 2020, during the height of the pandemic lockdowns, so this was just the second Forum that has been held.... more

Steve at ALA 2023

My experience at the 2023 ALA Conference in Chicago was good overall, despite a series of narrowly averted disasters including: receiving zero notification that my booking to Chicago had been changed to a flight 4 hours earlier, which I had missed (luckily, I was able to get a re-booked flight that got me in 4... more

Steve at 2023 NASIG Conference

I don’t know if it’s true or not, but I’ve heard that for some women the memory of the intense pain of childbirth will fade a bit with time. I’ve heard it put forward as the reason why any woman ever has more than one child. I figure something like that must have happened to... more

Steve at Core Forum 2022

I attended the first ever Core Forum from October 13th to 15th in Salt Lake City. The Core Forum is a successor to the LITA Forum (LITA merged with ALCTS and LLAMA to form Core back in 2020), so this whole Forum business was a new one on me. It was an enjoyable experience and... more

Steve at 2022 ALA Annual Conference in Washington, DC

After getting back into the conference-going groove with NASIG, I attended the ALA Annual Conference in Washington, DC, from Friday, June 24th through Monday, June 27th. A big part of the reason I attended the conference in person, rather than virtually, was that I had business to do with Core. Now, you may be asking... more

Steve at 2022 NASIG Conference in Baltimore

After 3 long years, I attended my first in-person national conference from June 5th to 8th in Baltimore, MD. The NASIG Conference (which focuses on scholarly communications, the information chain, electronic resources and serials) is my favorite conference to attend and it was good one to “break the seal” with, even though it was a... more

2021 NASIG Conference

With apologies for being late in posting about this, I attended the all online NASIG Conference from Wednesday, May 19th through Friday, May 21st. Although I greatly missed the in-person conference experience, I attended a number of interesting sessions. As Chris noted in his post about this conference, the keynote addresses were excellent but were... more

Steve at 2019 NCLA Conference

I attended the 2019 NCLA Conference in October, and I’m a little late in writing my blog post about it. By writing my post late, I’m finding that most of the sessions I attended have been ably covered by my colleagues, so I’ll try to hit ones that weren’t already discussed. I went to a... more

Steve at ALA Annual 2019

I realize this post is quite late and rather than bore you with my reasons/excuses I’ll simply apologize and move on. Unfortunately, running late is part of the story of my attendance at the 2019 Annual ALA Conference in DC, because I started off my trip by missing my train from Greensboro to Washington. With... more