By Steve Kelley

Inside ZSR

Steve at NASIG 2019

As I begin writing this blog post about my attendance at the 2019 NASIG Conference, I can’t help but note that the conference was from June 5th through the 8th. The sharp-eyed and date-oriented among you may have quickly observed that this post is coming more than a month after said conference. For that, I... more

Steve at the North Carolina Serials Conference

On Monday, April 1st, Chris and I went to Chapel Hill for the 27th Annual North Carolina Serials Conference. I missed last year’s conference so it was good to make it to this one and catch up with friends and colleagues from the North Carolina serials community. A number of the sessions were interesting, but... more

Steve at 2019 LAUNC-CH Conference

On Monday, I went to the annual one day conference of the Librarians’ Association at UNC-Chapel Hill (or LAUNC-CH, pronounced “launch”). This is a reliably informative and inexpensive commuter conference in a pleasant facility. I generally recommend it. This year’s theme was “Library Spaces Reimagined,” and most of the presentations aligned with this general idea.... more

Steve at ALA Annual 2018

I have three major takeaways to share from the 2018 ALA Annual Conference in New Orleans. I’ll give the headline versions and then add more detail below, if you’re still interested: 1) As far as the Library of Congress is concerned, BIBFRAME is definitely going to replace MARC. Eventually. 2) A lot of libraries are... more

Steve at NASIG 2018

This year’s NASIG Conference was a little unusual for me, as it was the first one since 2012 that I was able to attend like a “civilian,” with no Executive Board or program planning responsibilities requiring me to arrive early and/or stay late. Plus, I was actually able to attend a full slate of sessions!... more

Steve at ALA Annual 2017

My 2017 ALA Annual Conference experience got off to a bit of a bumpy start, because my flight was delayed about  two hours and I wound up missing a dinner meeting with the editorial board of Technical Services Quarterly. But overall, it was more productive and enjoyable than my 2017 Midwinter experience, much of which... more

Steve at 2017 NASIG Conference

On Tuesday, June 6th, I flew to Indianapolis for the 32nd annual NASIG Conference. This was my first NASIG Conference since 2012 that I wasn’t on (or going onto) the Executive Board, but I still had to get to the conference early, because I got roped into being the Chair of the 2017 Programming Planning... more

Steve at North Carolina Serials Conference

On Friday, March 31, Chris and I, along with the delightful Jane Malliett from Winston-Salem State, went to the North Carolina Serials Conference in Chapel Hill. The conference was good, and there were several interesting sessions, but I’m going to focus on only one, because it was kind of complicated. Jacob Shelby of NC State... more

Steve at ALA Midwinter 2017

As Jeff noted in his post, I got sick at Midwinter, just like I did two years ago in Chicago. However, this time I waited until Sunday to be laid low by a brutal cold, and I did not ask Jeff to mercy kill me. So, not as bad, right? Luckily, I did manage to... more

Steve at ALA Annual 2016

The ALA Annual Conference in Orlando was an unusual one for me, in that it marked the end of my four-year stint on two committees, CC:DA (Cataloging Committee: Description and Access) and the Continuing Resources Cataloging Committee. For eight conferences over these past four years, the meetings for those two committees have dominated my ALA... more