So some of you may know that last fall I took my first step into the world of fantasy sports, joining a Librarians fantasy football league on Yahoo Sports. I finished in the middle of the pack – not bad. Having Brett Favre didn’t hurt. I know Susan Smith plays fantasy football….anyone else out there... more ›
The folks at Univ. of Kentucky did a video in Second Life combined with some live footage of their libraries to put together a replacement for a PowerPoint presentation that had been given to all students in the UK101 class – an intro to college class that was taken by about half of the Freshmen... more ›
Robin L. Ewing and Melissa Prescott from St. Cloud State Web 2.0 Definition (won’t regurgitate this – the basics – Social networking, bookmarking, tagging, communicating, RSS, etc.) Web 2.0 Surveys 2007 Teens and Social Media from Pew Internet and American Life Creating and Connecting from National School Board survey 64% online teens have created Web... more ›
This presentation, from Elmhurst College, called Laying an Ethical Foundation: Information Ethics as a Good Beginning — IL in a first-year seminar (new program to Elmhurst) — Dean brought it into the curriculum Went to First Year Experience conference (in Hawaii!!!) Partnered with Student Affairs personnel Wanted FYS to be very academic in nature (rather... more ›
Arrived at the Doubletree at Oak Brook, IL this morning after a bit of R&R with my sister including an outstanding Comedy of Errors at the Chicago Shakespeare Theatre….but now it’s two days of Library Instruction ideas. LOEX, for those who don’t know, used to stand for Library Orientation Exchange….now it’s more of an acronym... more ›
This morning started with a session on student computer use in the classroom. They looked at tablets and laptop use by students at the Univ. or Vermont School of Business where they REQUIRE TABLETS of all their students – undergrad and grad. Their faculty struggle with needing the students to have computers in the class... more ›
Finally able to write about the other sessions I attended today. One about the use of iPods in English Composition classes was particularly interesting. The professor (from Miami Dade Univ.) based his comp class around James Bond (great idea — no Cliff Notes for the books, great fodder for composition in comparing the books to... more ›
My first session this morning is about a faculty development program at Florida comunity College at Jacksonville. They put together teams of 4 faculty and gave them extensive pedagogy, tech training and interactive learning training. The faculty use these skills to create courses that can be taught face-to-face, blended or fully online. The faculty get... more ›
The keynote speaker this afternoon on the technology at the Georgia Aquarium was fascinating. Can’t wait to go there to see it all first hand. I was hoping to get there this trip, but it will have to wait until November when I’m brining Erin down to meet up with a college friend and her... more ›
For those who don’t know what Educause is, it is an organization dedicated to Technology in academic institutions. You always feel you are at a conference run by professionals, here, because they are really good at it. Their big annual conference in the Fall each year is akin to ALA in terms of size and... more ›